Hot Topics in Women's Ministry

Hot Topics in Women's Ministry

Julia Bettencourt

The Leader Vault

I used to have several articles on my blog of Hot Topics and Where Has all the Teaching Gone? Yep! I'm still wondering that. So, sometimes I just feel the need to write about the various things that are going on in women's ministry and the Christian world at the moment. If you know me well, you know that I'm usually on the opposite side of the popular opinion. These are my thoughts on various topics. I'm sure much of it is just rambling, and even if you don't agree with me on all the points, I hope they will make you think a little more on these subjects and really decide how you feel about them.

When I reduced my website here and there, I took some of those articles down, but I've placed some of my old Hot Topic articles here for you again. I've also added in some I've written over the last few years as well.

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Women's Leader Hot Topics

See the Leader Essentials.

What? No Mailing List?

The answer is "no" I don't maintain one any more for a lot of reasons, but you can keep up with the Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page for announcements of anything new on the website.

Keeping it Simple

I have reduced my social media to just Facebook and Instagram.