The Stress Factor and Women's Ministry Leaders
Julia Bettencourt
May 17, 2019
Even though I have scaled back with what I do with women’s ministry nowadays, I still get tons of email from my followers. One of the topics that have been a theme through those is that women’s leaders and pastor’s wives are just stressed out and dealing with the weight of so many things.
I’ve had times where stress played a big part in my life, and I had to learn ways to deal with it. I still get stressed of course, but I just had to begin finding little ways to cope because it really affected my health and my outlook on life.
The most important thing that I had to realize is that I just can’t do everything.
I think we all just need to find the big things and little things that work the best for us individually to relieve stress. We aren’t all made the same or have the same stress factors, so finding those things that work will be different for everyone.
Some of the things I do for myself when I feel stressed is take the time pray and read the Bible of course, but also I find time for walk, a long bath, work with my plants (even though I’m not good at it), work in my yard, read for pleasure, go shopping at Marshalls (yeah, you know I had to mention that). I also use essential oils in my routine to help with stress.
Throughout the day if I feel stressed I will take the time for a cup of coffee or herbal tea and read a little passage from Psalms or something from the Bible. Sometimes I just sit and think for a few minutes. Just doing nothing for a few moments is one of my favorite stress reducers.
Thought I’d share some of those reasons I have seen so often when it comes to the stress that women’s leaders in the local church have. I’m sure there are more, but these are the ones that people contact me the most about. They are not in any particular order.
10 Stress Factors for Women’s Ministry Leaders
- Feeling guilty over time taken away from family or spouse
- Time/work required for preparation of Bible studies/meetings/events
- Feeling inadequate as a leader
- Taking on too much responsibility
- Limited financial means or resources for ministry
- Personal conflict with leadership or individuals
- Conflict or unforgiveness among the women in their ministry
- Seeing no fruit for their labor.
- Health issues (either personal or caring for a sick loved one)
- The feeling that they aren’t making a difference
Are you familiar with that verse in Psalms?
…when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2 (KJV)
Isn’t that such great advice? Go to the Lord when you are stressed. Looks like stress has been around since Bible days. Right? It’s nothing new to us humans. The problem with stress is that it eventually burns you out physically, emotionally, and most of all spiritually.
I wrote a devotional for leaders several years ago talking about Overwhelmed Spirits. Here are the main points from that devotional. I hope that some of these things will help not only those of you that work with women’s ministry but all of you ladies that stop by the website.
10 Helps to Guard You from Burnout
- Have consistent Bible reading and prayer.
- Rest.
- Eat healthy.
- Exercise.
- Do something pleasurable.
- Spend time with family and friends.
- Learn to say “no”.
- Set boundaries on your time.
- Learn to delegate.
- Manage wisely.
[You can find that whole devotional here.]
One of the things that I didn’t mention in this list is just doing things in a simpler way. I feel that so many leaders cause their own stress by wanting to do too many things when it comes to activities and events. So, my advice is that along with number 7, is just “say no” to overdoing, overbuying, overdecorating, and any overwhelming things when it comes to activities and events.
Copyright ©2019 Julia Bettencourt
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