Bible Related Resources
Julia Bettencourt
The Leader Vault
I have various pages throughout the website on Bible study and preparing devotionals for women's groups. Emphasizing the Bible is so important when it comes to women's ministry programs, but also we need to focus on encouraging our women to spend more time in reading and studying the Bibles in their personal lives.
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Leader Devotionals
I have a collection of leader devotions for my women's leader friends. A few are brand new. Enjoy!
Various Devotionals
Many of my older devotionals have been bundled up in collections on Amazon, but there are still some on the website that you can read, including some that are in series form.
Bible Study Encouragement
- Benefits of Bible Study for Women
- Use Your Own Shovel
- Learning to Study the Bible on Your Own
- Bible Reading Challenges
- Personal Bible Study Tips
- Scripture Journaling
- Worksheets and Lesson Sheets (Not sure if this really goes in this category, but will put it here anyway.)
Choosing and Running Bible Studies
- Choosing Bible Studies for Women
Bible Study Comparison Form
- Facilitating a Bible Study for Women
- Leader Preparation for Bible Study
Bible Study Feedback
Bible Study Feedback Grayscale
- Bible Study Ground Rules
- Serving Refreshments at Bible Study
Writing Devotionals and Lessons
- Writing Devotions and Lessons for Women
- Developing a Devotional
- Writing Devotionals (How I started)
- Seasonal and Holiday Devotional Writing Prompts
- Devotioinal Writing Starters (Topical ideas)
Miscellanious Bible Study Reading Plans
Fall Bible Reading 30 Day Plan
Seaworthy Bible Reading Plan
30 Day 3 Up Reading Plan
Summer Bible Reading Plan
Bible Verses for Various Topics
Feed Your Joy Verses
Lifesaving Bible Verses
Preparing Our Hearts Verses
- Encouraging Bible Verses for Letter Writing
Growing Strong Verses
Bible Study Promotion Images
My Bible Related Devotionals
My past devotions revolving around God's Word, such as "A Sincered Milk Desire", "Eating Clean", "Delighting in the Word", "Soul Food on My Table", and "The Good Good News" are all in my Trained and Able Devotional Collection available on Amazon.