Bible Resources in Women's Ministry

Bible Related Resources

Julia Bettencourt

The Leader Vault

I have various pages throughout the website on Bible study and preparing devotionals for women's groups. Emphasizing the Bible is so important when it comes to women's ministry programs, but also we need to focus on encouraging our women to spend more time in reading and studying the Bibles in their personal lives.

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Leader Devotionals

I have a collection of leader devotions for my women's leader friends. A few are brand new. Enjoy!

Leader Devotionals

Various Devotionals

Many of my older devotionals have been bundled up in collections on Amazon, but there are still some on the website that you can read, including some that are in series form.

Women's Devotionals

Bible Study Encouragement

Choosing and Running Bible Studies

Writing Devotionals and Lessons

Miscellanious Bible Study Reading Plans

Bible Verses for Various Topics

Bible Study Promotion Images

My Bible Related Devotionals

My past devotions revolving around God's Word, such as "A Sincered Milk Desire", "Eating Clean", "Delighting in the Word", "Soul Food on My Table", and "The Good Good News" are all in my Trained and Able Devotional Collection available on Amazon.

What? No Mailing List?

The answer is "no" I don't maintain one any more for a lot of reasons, but you can keep up with the Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page for announcements of anything new on the website.

Keeping it Simple

I have reduced my social media to just Facebook and Instagram.