Learning to Study the Bible on Your Own
Julia Bettencourt
March 04, 2015 From the Bible Study Worksheet Online Women's Conference notes.
Ever worked on a Bible study on your own without the use of a study guide? Try it! Use these steps below to help you.
Let's Get Started!
- Choose the text.
- Find out the background.
- When does it take place?
- Where does it take place?
- What’s happening at this time in history?
- Who are the key characters?
- What is the main topic?
- What are the highlights of the passage?
- What is the key verse?
- What are some important words to draw attention to? What are their meanings?
- Are there any words that you don’t understand or don’t know the meaning of?
- Look them up in a Bible dictionary.
- If you don’t own one, there are several online ones.
- Do you know if the Bible refers to this story or topic anywhere else in the Bible? List the references if you know them or look them up.
- Cross Reference.
- If you have a reference Bible, related verses will be written in the small print in the margin. Look up those verses for further meaning and related meaning.
- Don’t have a reference Bible? Look up some of the key words or phrases from the passage and use a concordance. If you don’t own one or have one at the back of your Bible, use an online one.
- Jot down any correlating references.
- Write down anything that you observe that stands out to you or that blesses you.
- Summarize.
- What is the main thought of this passage?
- Make up a summary in your own words.
- Conclude.
- Think about what this passage meant when it was written. (context)
- Think about the meaning of this passage. (Biblical principles involved)
- Think about how this passage can be applied to your life.
Other Questions to Ask
- Is there something in the passage that encourages you?
- Is there something in the passage that moves you to do and live better?
- Is there something in the passage that motivates you to share your faith?
- Is there something in the passage that reveals God’s grace and love?
- Is there something in the passage that strengthens you?
- Is there something that reveals the depth of the Gospel?
- Is there something new that you learned in this passage?
- Is there something in this passage that helps you fit other passages of Scripture together for a broader picture?
- Are there any commands in this passage?
- Are there any promises in this passage?
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4
Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt.
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