Meet Your Hostess
Julia Bettencourt
Thanks for stopping in to learn a little more about me. My name is Julia Bettencourt. I have been married for over 40 years and I reside in the Central Valley of sunny California. I am a Christian and attend a Baptist church, but I have no affiliations. I started my website back in April of 2001. To be exact, the first page went up on April 21, 2001. My website has changed over time from some humble beginnings of just a few personal pages and a few pages to share women's ministry ideas. I've grown the website, reduced the website, and changed things just as one does in life with the many aspects that affects what we are doing at any moment in time.
Part of my focus over the years has been on teaching other ladies the skills and know-how to work confidently with the women in their local churches so that they may enjoy the fruits and benefits of building creative and fruitful ministry programs. If you are a women's ministry leader, I trust that the pages across the website and blog will inspire you in some way in your leadership role. Recently I have opened The Leader's Vault just for you! I have been involved in some aspect of women's ministry since I was 22, so now that's over 40 years experience at doing this, so I have learned a few things along the way. (And yes! I'm in my 60's!) Yep. A lot of this experience came through failure, but I hope what I share will encourage you. As I get older I see more and more the need for simplicity in ministry so I have a new section on Simplified Ministry for you.
Much of my blog is dedicated to event and party ideas by way of party/event themes. Those are intended for everyone whether they are planning family functions, showers for loved ones, or even women's ministry events. I give you lots of ideas to glean through so you can find a few ideas suited just for you to grab and use in your planning. Women's leaders can find activity and event planning info here.
Still, another area I have shared over the years is my devotional writing. Many of my devotions have been put into collections which you can find on my Amazon Author Page.
Just so you know, I no longer keep a mailing list. I don't need your info because I am not going to be targeting you with things for sale, useless tips, or even updates. Follow me on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page if you want notified of updates. Also, I have reduced my social media to only Instagram and Facebook.
I know many of you refer to what I do as a "ministry", but I don't consider my website a ministry. I feel like it just doing what we are suposed to be doing as Christian women and that is teaching each other and sharing. So, this is just me—one woman—teaching and sharing with you.
Please sit back, grab your favorite drink (I'll take lots of cream in my hot coffee, please) and read to your heart's content. Enjoy!