Bible Study Ground Rules

Bible Study Ground Rules

Julia Bettencourt

March, 2015, From the Online Leadership Conference. 2023, added a silence cell phone point.

I think it is so important to let our ladies know what is expected of them during meetings and Bible studies. These are just suggestions below. You may want to add more things to your guidelines.

These are the things all your attendees should be aware of on the first day of your Bible study.

Suggested Bible Study Ground Rules

for women's ministry groups

  1. Arrive on time.
  2. Read the passage ahead of time.
  3. Answer the "homework" before the next study time.
  4. Bring your Bible with you to Bible study or have a Bible app installed on your phone.
  5. Be courteous to others in the group.
  6. Do not talk to others while the teacher/leader is talking.
  7. Keep your comments concise (no long-winded speeches).
  8. Keep your comments on the topic.
  9. Everything said in the group is confidential.
  10. Silence cell phones.

Copyright ©2015, Revised ©2023 Julia Bettencourt.

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