Choosing Bible Studies for Women's Ministry
Julia Bettencourt
March 2015 Originally part of the Online Leadership Conference notes.
I personally love it when a woman makes up a Bible study on her own and shares it with a group of women, but we all know that doesn't always happen. I just wish we would share more and teach other women to do that more. I feel there is a whole generation of women losing out on personal stories and personal wisdom because of purchased Bible study books.
But be that as it may, I know we live in the real world and many churches do use purchased materials for their women's Bible studies, so I have tried to include ideas for choosing any type of Bible study below.
- Know your audience. To whom is it geared?
- group of moms
- single ladies
- widowed ladies
- diverse group of women
- certain age group of women
- Pray over your choice.
- Research. Research. Research.
- Decide what type of Bible study you want.
- Book of the Bible (going verse by verse)
- Topical
- Biblical character
- Decide what style of Bible Study you want to teach.
- Book – author based
- No guide – (Everyone reads an assigned passage ahead of time. At study you go verse by verse along with group discussion.)
- Make and take a survey.
- Find out what your ladies have studied in the past.
- Find out what topics or types of studies your ladies are interested in.
- Decide how many weeks you want to take to complete the study.
- Decide how often you want to meet for the study.
- Decide how much time you will allow for each study session. (meeting time)
- Work with how long it will take to get through each lesson allowing for discussion time.
- If you are including refreshments and chat time, be sure to figure that in.
- Decide if you want “homework” or lessons to fill out.
- Do the lessons contain too much “homework”? Not enough?
- How long will it take for your ladies to do their “homework”?
- Decide if you want a study that offers a leader’s guide if that is important to you.
- Use material that has God’s Word as the foundation.
- Check to see if verses are used correctly or out of context.
- Check to see if it is more someone’s opinion than a study guide.
- Is it doctrinally sound?
- Check backgrounds of authors if using a book guide or DVD.
- Check the type of church with which they associate.
- Check their core beliefs.
- Many authors have websites so check there for information.
- Check their Facebook and social pages to get a sense of them.
- Just because an author is popular doesn’t mean their material is biblical or right for your group.
- Check the discussion questions.
- Are the discussion questions on target with the study text?
- What type of discussion do they encourage?
- Are the questions too vague or shallow?
- Do they encourage spiritual growth?
- Talk to someone who has done the study before.
- Preview the study.
- Get a copy in your hands so you can pour over it before you teach it to a class.
- Consider your budget and the cost.
- Get the Pastor and church leadership’s approval before purchasing a Bible study or teaching it in regard to your church women’s ministry.
Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt.
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