Scripture Journaling

Scripture Journaling

Julia Bettencourt

March 2015

A Scripture Journal is a place to write down all those things relating to the Bible. It can be favorite verses, things you have learned or are learning from Bible studies, or even notes from sermons. When we write something down, we always retain it a little better.

To make a Scripture Journal any type of journal or notebook will work to hold your writing. It could be lined or blank paper. It’s all up to your own preference.

Tips for Bible Journaling

  • Record favorite Bible verses
  • Record notes from sermons
  • Record Bible principles
  • Record Bible promises
  • Record specific things from the Bible that you’ve learned to apply to your life
  • Record Bible verses that encourage you
  • Record Bible verses that convict you
  • Vary your writing.
    • in different ink colors
    • by how you write such as cursive, print, large letters, small letters
  • With different writing implements
    • pens
    • markers
    • colored pencils
    • highlighters
  • Use embellishments such as stickers or bright colored paperclips
  • Use decorative rub-on transfers
  • Use rubber stamps
  • Section off your journal with various Bible topics

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

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