Use Your Own Shovel
Julia Bettencourt
March 24, 2020 Revised 2023. Took out a few references to Covid.
I mention in passing somewhere in my book, Women's Ministry Insights, that one of my lines that I tell women’s leaders a lot is to use your own shovel! And what I mean by that is to dig into the Word of God on your own. Really just get by yourself to read and study on your own.
Hearing Voices
I think because we have so many book-based Bible studies and so many places for women to find what other people think about God’s Word, that there is such a need to just quiet the voices and get hunkered down by yourself and read God’s Word on your own. We have to learn to have insight and discern on our own.
I realize that we can learn from other people and gain insight and understanding from God’s Word that way, but to always do that takes so much away from your own quiet time and personal worship time with the Lord.
Let me say, that it’s not just the Bible studies and authors that aren’t biblically sound that scares me when I find so many women only wanting to use Bible study from a book, instead of digging in on their own with their own shovel. But more than that, I think many times we are just filling our minds with head knowledge instead of tapping into real personal spiritual growth. We have to learn to discern on our own. We have to learn to handle the Word of God on our own. We have to learn to dig with our own shovel.
Taking the Shovel into your own hands
Over in 2 Timothy, Paul is exhorting Timothy. And, sure, Timothy was a young preacher and Paul was giving him some advice, but we can learn so much from it.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
I know that verse is quoted a lot, and most of you women’s leaders probably already have memorized it, but do you really think about what that “rightly dividing” means? It means to ” to cut straight” according to Strongs Concordance. I was always taught that means we should learn to be like skilled surgeons where the Word of God is concerned. We have to learn to have skilled surgeon hands when studying the Bible.
Being Picky about who works in your garden
And have you ever noticed the next verse in that chapter?
But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.” 2 Timothy 2:16 (KJV)
Those false and empty teachings are out there floating all around us, and I think sometimes we get those “vain babblings” going around in our own heads and they drown out our clarity.
Paul goes on in the next verse and tells Timothy what those false teachers can do. (2 Timothy 2:17) He says they will eat like a “canker”. Ooooh! Not a pleasant illustration, but one to remember.
The next couple verses are very important. 2 Timothy 2:20-21 talks about honorable and dishonorable vessels. Look, we see from this that even back in Bible times and at the beginning of the New Testament church that there were already good teachers and false teachers out there. It’s just how it is. We are human. There will be those who aren’t going to get their doctrine and theology straight. I think that’s one of the reasons why it is so important to learn to use your own shovel. The more you are in the Word on your own, the more clarity you will find.
Digging in will quiet the voices
I just want so much for Christian women to grow spiritually. I want them to blossom and flower! Life gets hectic, and I just want so much for our hearts and minds to be quieted.
For me, just sitting down to read the Bible on my own helps me so much. I need to have those other voices quieted. Not just those empty voices of things contrary to God’s Word, but those voices of anxiety that flares up in our minds during trying times. But I know God’s Word can settle my mind so much.
I have so many women tell me that they just don’t know how to study the Bible on their own. May I suggest if you have trouble with that, to just start by reading the Bible on your own. You will be amazed at how much you can take in by just reading. You don’t have to start by doing anything hard and understanding everything it says. Even theologians will never understand the Bible entirely.
Just get to know the Word. Read it on your own. Over time you will find it is a dear Friend. You will find it easier and easier to understand. You will find it speaking to you in ways you never imagined. You will find it comforting you on a level that you never thought possible. Just begin by reading.
©2020 Revised ©2023 Julia Bettencourt.
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