Bible Study Preparation as Women's Leaders

Leader Preparation for Bible Study

Julia Bettencourt

March, 2015, excerpt from "Leading a Bible Study". Revised slightly August 2023.

Preparing Ahead of Time

This is for after you have chosen a Bible study for a group. Choosing a Bible study requires a whole set of skills on its own. Personally I'm not too fond of purchased Bible studies because I think they hinder our women from thinking on their own and from really digging in to study the Bible. I'm more for pick a book of the Bible, a section of history of the Bible, a biblical character, a biblical topic and delving into that for a Bible study. The biggest reason I don't like purchased Bible studies is because it hinders that "teaching other women" thing and we end up teaching other women what someone we don't even know thinks instead of what we have learned on our own and should be sharing. You know I just had to add my two cents in here. But I seriously, I know the reality is that many women's groups do use purchased Bible studies, so use what you will.

The point here is to be prepared ahead of time for your Bible study gatherings.

Be Prepared for the Study Itself

  • Pray over the study.
  • Read the Bible passages given in the lesson more than once.
  • Meditate on the passage. Mull it over in your mind.
  • Brush up on other passages relating to your text.
  • Read through the discussion questions given or make up your own discussion questions and answer them for yourself.
  • Think about how other people might answer discussion questions in your group.
  • Think about what questions this study might prompt from your attendees.
  • Highlight the prevailing biblical thought or challenge so you rememeber to emphasize it at the end of each study session.

Be Prepared with the Bible Study Meeting Place

  • Have the door unlocked if needed.
  • Have the heat or air on if needed.
  • Have the lights on and any outside lights if needed
  • Check bathrooms ahead of time and make sure they are clean and neat. Make sure the toilets are flushed and that soap and paper handtowels are available if there are no air dryers. (This may fall in the janitor's job realm but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do as a leader.)
  • Make sure there is ample seating.
  • Have any audio or computer equipment set up and ready to go. Remember to ask permission or turn in a request to your church if needed before using any audio/video equipment. Some churches require you to sign out any equipment before using.
  • Have any handouts copied and printed and ready to go.
  • Have extra pens available for notes.
  • Have extra copies of study books or material for visitors.
  • Have a few extra Bibles on hand for those who don’t bring one. (You can also encourage them to download a Bible app on their phone if they prefer that instead of bringing their Bible. Get them to have one on hand no matter what method.)
  • Have coffee prepared if desired. (cups, creamer, stirrers, etc.)
  • Have refreshments ready. (plates and utensils if needed)
  • Have designated clean-up crew and designated lock up crew informed ahead of time, so everyone knows who is cleaning up, and closing up the meeting place.

Copyright ©2015 Revised ©2023 Julia Bettencourt

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