The Bad Rap of Women's Ministry
Julia Bettencourt
March 07, 2014
Women’s Ministry in general has been getting a bad rap in my mind. Some people have gotten the idea that women’s ministry just revolves around dainty ladies, pretty things, holding teas, making crafts, and no Bible study. Wow. That’s not like any I’ve ever been a part of ever. Sure sometimes special events with pink tablecloths all in tow are weaved in, but usually that’s just one single thing. That’s not women’s ministry. And if you think that it is, then you have a very narrow and distorted view.
Some of the ladies I know involved in women’s ministry might be dainty, but they are strong spiritually. I know from working with them that churches all over are full of vibrant ladies, who are seeking God, digging into His Word, and have a desire to reach out to their loved ones and friends with the Gospel.
I think if anyone has a bone to pick with women’s ministry then they should seek out the women’s ministry leader or the pastor where they had an issue. It probably boils down to a particular issue with what has happened in their church in their particular case. Let’s see, who was it that told us if we are offended to take care of it privately? Oh, that was Jesus.
One of the reasons I think women’s ministry gets a bad rap is that women’s ministry is supposed to cover it all. Just look at Titus at all the things we women are to teach other women. It’s a long list. No other ministry of the church covers so much. Look at men’s ministry. Most men's ministry programs have a men’s retreat now and again and maybe a monthly prayer breakfast. What do they do there? Eat and pray. Oh if only life for women’s ministry were so simple.
Men’s ministry isn’t harassed because it doesn’t cater to every man out there, working, stay at home dad, the outdoors type, the intellectual, but women’s ministry is looked at differently. Women’s ministry programs are encouraged to cater to every type of woman out there. Women’s ministry programs seem to be held responsible for all wrongs and feelings of hurt, feelings that one felt out of place, or feelings that nobody cared about that particular person in their particular predicament. It goes back to being offended. If you feel that way, then take it to the one that hurt you privately. Don’t grumble against each other. (James 5:9), especially don’t give others a platform to voice their opinion about it on the internet.
Frankly, I need a time to laugh, fellowship, and just a time to chat with other ladies. I’m not sure where the idea came from that every woman’s event has to be a Bible study. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bible studies but I don’t always want to engage in Bible study or deep learning at every women's ministry activity. I have always been blessed to be in churches that taught the Word, gave opportunities for Bible study on every hand, so to me, a nice night with the girls to enjoy each other’s company is right up my alley. Just because you attend a women’s ministry event and it doesn’t contain Bible study doesn’t mean that Bible study isn’t important or that the majority of women who attend aren’t interested in deep Bible study.
The women’s ministry leaders I have dealt with throughout the years are some of the godliest ladies I have ever had the pleasure to communicate with in my life. They have a heart for and desire to see the ladies in their groups move toward a closer relationship with the Lord. They have a desire to see their ladies live holy lives. They have a desire that through their women’s group that they will have an impact on their community.
Women’s ministry is full of strong, smart, intelligent, incredible, impressive, and caring women who want to improve their hearts, homes, and relationships with other. Contrary to public opinion (or the opinion of a few that have very loud voices), women’s ministry isn’t just fluff.
Copyright ©2014 Julia Bettencourt
See my follow-up article to this, Combatting the Bad Rap of Women's Ministry.
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