Women's Leader Training
Julia Bettencourt
Training in any field helps to give understanding to the job and encourages the skills needed for the job. I trust the training pages included here will help you women's ministry leaders who just need a little direction. I want you to glean some information and allow you to revel in the confidence which I know you already have. I also encourage you to rely on the Bible to give you the inspiration and knowledge that you need to serve the Lord. The best women's ministry leaders that I have ever met always have a strong foundation and relationship with the Word of God.
Ultimately, the best training for serving the Lord is always personal time spent in the Bible.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV)
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Training for Women's Leaders
- Training Camp Highlights (12 Part Article Series and 6 Part Orientation Series)
- The Art of Making Decisions Series (3 Part)
- A Common Bond Series (2 Part)
- Benefit of Bible Study in Women's Ministry
- Sharing Our Stories
- Breaking Good
- Overcoming the Overwhelming
- Ministering to Senior Age Women
- Secret Sister Programs
- Assortment of Personalities
- Women's Ministry Kickoff Ideas
- Women's Ministry Kickoff Agenda Suggestions
- Women's Leader Supply List
- Women's Leader First Day of School
- Women's Leader Homework Helps
Leader Character
- 15 Resourceful Leader Tips
- Able Women's Ministry Leaders
- The Leaders We Crave
- Lovely Leader Traits
- To Be or Not to Be