Homework Helps for Women's Ministry
Julia Bettencourt
August 3, 2009
A women's ministry leader's homework is never done!
Set aside ample time and limited time
More than not, women's ministry projects take more planning time than the actual project or event, so designate plenty of time in your schedule for working out bible studies, programs, events, and other planning for your women's ministry.
Don't forget to add in time to pray for the ladies within your women's group and to pray for projects or events that you will be holding.
Along with ample time, also set limited time for working on your women's ministry as well, especially if you have a family. Let your family members know ahead of time, you will be working on something at a set time.
If I let my kids know I'm working on something for a half hour or so and don't want interrupted, it helps me tremendously from having little "stops" along the way.
Okay, I admit, my kids will set the kitchen timer, so they know when the time's up and they come running. It's time to bother mom again!
Actually I get more done in 15 minute or 30 minute increments uninterrupted than I get if I just try to do something in a whole afternoon being interrupted every few minutes or having other chores to do in between.
Have a set place for homework
Having a set place helps you be more consistent. Whether it's a desk, the kitchen table, a place on your patio or wherever you choose, make it a comfortable spot and atmosphere that you'll enjoy working in. Be sure that it's a place with good lighting.
Turn off distractions
Avoid having the TV on and anything else that you know is a distraction to you.
Have your "school" supplies on hand
Keep a supply of pens, notebooks, and sticky notes. Be sure to have your bible close by for reference, a list of your ladies' names, and everything you need for your homework session.
Be organized
Have your "homework" all together and organized into one notebook or set of notebooks or file folders. Scraps of paper stuffed into your bible probably will not work for very long:)
Use notebooks, charts, index cards or whatever you need to be organized. Many things from the Website can be a great help to your planning, so be sure to copy things that you can use and have a hard copy on hand.
Embrace Technology
There are many things that can make your work go faster and easier. If you are working out a budget, have your calculator on hand. Working on an event layout? Use some graph paper. Type on the computer to save time and do research.
One point to mention here is to be aware that delving off from your actual "homework" on the computer can be a real timewaster.
If you have to be online to research something and see something you'd like to check out other than what you are working on at the time, just bookmark it to go back to later. Finish the immediate task first.
Don't be afraid to ask questions
We tell our kids to always ask questions when they do their schoolwork and I'm sure your teachers told you the same thing.
When we have questions, we need to find answers. For common things the computer can be a great help. If you are struggling with a biblical question, search it out as well.
You may need to ask someone older and wiser such as your pastor or you may want to get your pastor's wife's perspective on the issue.
Copyright ©2009 Julia Bettencourt.
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