Secret Sister Ideas

Secret Sisters in Women's Ministry

Julia Bettencourt

There are a lot of different programs you can use within the broader women's ministry program in a local church, and secret sisters is one that I've been a part of in the past. In short, a secret sister program is one where all the women of the group are given a name from the group to keep secret and encourage that sister in "secret" ways, such as by leaving notes and gifts in a designated spot. At the end of the program cycle (usually 6 months or even a year), then there is normally a revealing party where everyone finds out who had them as their secret sister. That's it in a nutshell.

I've been a part of really-well run ones and also a part of some that weren't run very well. Those were a bit of a disappointment, but it can be a good program as long as there are some guidelines put into place and someone is in charge to enforce those guidelines.

This program can be such a joy to women when it is part of prayer, much effort, and a group of ladies who give their best to the cause. It's a great way to build friendship and fellowship among your women.

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (KJV)

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Secret Sister Resources

See more on the Leader Training Index.

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