Secret Sister Responsibility Ideas

Secret Sister Responsibility Ideas

Julia Bettencourt

August 29, 2003

I've placed an example of a secret sisters welcome to the program speech and also some suggested guidelines for your secret sisters program.

Example of a Program Welcome

This is just a short way to introduce the program to your ladies.

Welcome to our Secret Sister Program. All of the ladies of the church are invited to participate in this ministry of caring and sharing with other sisters in Christ. You will each be given a ‘sister’ that you will need to pray for and encourage. It is wonderful to have someone that prays for you daily and is there to send you an encouraging note from time to time. We’ll be keeping our sisters a secret; so don’t let anyone know who you have. Of course it may be fun for you to guess as we go along. At the end of the program year, we will reveal our sisters.

Secret Sister Responsibillity Suggestions

Or guidelines for your Secret Sister Program

What are Your Responsibilities if you participate in the Secret Sisters program?

1.   Know that it is a commitment

The lady you are assigned will be expecting you to uphold her in your prayers and she should be able to rely on you for encouragement.

2.   Pray daily for your sister

Get to know her needs and her family’s needs so that you may pray specifically for them.

3.   Make an effort to get to know your sister

Discover the likes and dislikes of your sister. Know her favorites. Find out all about her.

4.   Be an encouragement to your sister

Send her cards or notes of encouragement.

5.   Remember your sister on her special occasions

Don’t forget to send cards for her birthday and anniversary or special landmarks in your sister’s life.

6.   Keep it a secret!

Don’t let anyone know whom you have. Leave your cards or notes when no one is around or have someone else deliver them.

7.   If you are unable to continue,know what to do

If you can't continue the program for some reason, contact the women’s ministry leader. If you find you are unable to continue participating in the Secret Sister program, let someone know so another sister can be found for the lady you were assigned.

On top of the Secret Sister program responsibilities, you may want to implement a gift giving policy as to whether they are allowed or not or if there is a price limit to gifts, etc.

Guideline Suggestions

These are just suggestions. You know your group the best, so make up something that you think will work specifically for your group of ladies.

  • No purchased gift giving until the Reveal. Food gifts, candy, and homemade goodies are acceptable.
  • You will be asked to purchase and bring one gift for your sister at our Reveal get-together.
  • Make sure you contact your sister by means of a note or card at least twice a month.
  • Pray daily for your secret sister.

Have fun!

Above all, have fun and enjoy getting to know your sisters! You can be the instrument that God has placed in this person’s life to give them the encouragement they need right when they need it.

A word spoken in due season, how good it is!” Proverbs 15:23

Praying daily for your sister will strengthen you, and the rewards can be immeasurable.

Copyright ©2003 Julia Bettencourt

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