Since writing this article, I wrote my "Insights" women's ministry book which covers the many things I've learned through women's ministry over the years. One of the things I discuss throughout parts of it is some of the reasons for low attendance or lack of participation in women's ministry. We have history, health, church dynamics, choices beyond the local church, expectations, and probably more. All in all, many things play on the attendance at our local church women's ministry programs. So much plays a part in the whole matter of attendance!
Why Low Attendance?
in Women's Ministry?
in Women's Ministry?
Julia Bettencourt
November 08, 2018
I don't think low attendance has anything to do with non-commitment, lack of priorities, last days, ladies not wanting to serve God and others, or anything like that. I think it has to do with the church as a whole trying to make events of everything and our busy ladies and moms and wives just don't want another event on their plate.
The need to Simplify
A lot of people are simplifying their lives and I think that is part of it. It is one of the reasons I don't attend many women's events anymore. I choose very wisely nowadays and normally just one thing a year. I turn down the majority of my speaking requests too. (okay, all of them.)
I'm not of the persuasion that you "have" to attend every event or be involved in every program that a church offers. If that were the case, then we would be run ragged, and I don't think that is how God intended for us to live. There are just way too many events. I lived that way for way too long and wished I had said "no" to attending so many women's events and other things through the church when my kids were younger.
We are long past the days of being in church every time the door is open because frankly, those doors just won't close sometimes. Always, always something on the calendar.
Everyone's Priorities are Different
I know some women’s leaders say it is a lack of priorities, but I don't see how a women's ministry event would be any more important than attending a ballgame for a child, a band concert, or spending time with your family. Family is important. As a wife and mother, we should put priorities on our family life no matter how many activities and events a church has to offer.
When ladies don’t attend women’s ministry meetings and events, it doesn't mean that they don't support the church they attend. It doesn't mean that they are any less spiritual. It doesn’t mean that they have any less desire to serve God. It doesn’t mean that they have their priorities in the wrong place. It doesn’t mean that they don’t have deep connections with each other. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t serving God. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t serving others. And it doesn’t mean that they have allowed their hearts to harden.
I'm not saying not to put the regular church services as a priority, but I think other things throughout a church have to be weighed very heavily. We are to be masters of our time and how we spend it. Sometimes spending time with your family is the right thing to do. Even when you don't have anything planned and you stay home with your family and miss a ladies meeting or event. Sometimes staying home is what is important. It may be the right thing for a woman to do.
Evaluate and Adjust
I know many churches that don’t have a set schedule or hold women’s events on a regular basis, and they have some of the healthiest women spiritually and some of the most well connected, so don’t let it get you down if you have low attendance for meetings/events. It might mean that it just isn’t needed. It might mean you need to go about it in a different way, or that you need to schedule less things.
Sometimes when you just put one thing for your ladies on the calendar for the year, it becomes something that they can prioritize and get behind. It will be less discouraging for you and more encouraging for them.
Just because you have low attended meetings or events doesn’t mean that you might not have a thriving group of ladies spiritually speaking. Look for fruit and not attendance.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20 (KJV)
Copyright ©2018 Julia Bettencourt
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