Setbacks and Growth
in women's ministry
Julia Bettencourt
It goes without saying that there are going to be setbacks and issues that come up in every ministry. I just think we have to be aware of what they are so we can head them off at the pass, or be able to deal with them quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, we will see periods of growth in our women's faith, their service, and their understanding of the Bible. And that's exciting!
I trust the pages in this section will help you have a better understanding of what you are up against as a women's leader and that you will learn a few tips to help you deal with what comes your way. In the end I trust you will see growth in the faith and fruit of the Spirit among the women you minister to through your local church.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 (KJV)
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Understanding setbacks and growth potential
- Why Low Attendance?
- Dealing with Negativity
- Dealing with Excuses Series (7 Part)
- Women's Ministry. Is it Dead?
- 10 Un-Streets in Women's Ministry
- Where Has All the Mentoring Gone?
- Be Wise and Revitalize
- Tips to Revitalize Your Ministry
- Women's Ministry Checkup
Find more helps in the Leader Essentials.