
These questions are a follow up to my article, "The Art of Making Decisions in Women's Ministry".

Questions to Ask

The Art of Making Decisions Part 2

Julia Bettencourt

March 2015

We have at looked "The Art of Making Decisions", but how do we go about weighing each of those decisions that we need to make in the day to day of women's ministry in our local churches? Let's take a look at some questions to ask ourselves that might help us steer to better decision making.

Questions to Ask Regarding Decisions

  1. Have I prayed about this decision?
  2. Is this biblical or in line with biblical principles?
  3. Who will this decision affect?
  4. How will it affect them?
  5. How long will it affect them?
  6. Is it an improvement?
  7. What are the advantages?
  8. What are the disadvantages?
  9. Will it put a burden on anyone or on any other ministry within the church?
  10. Will it affect other ministries within the church in any way?
  11. Does the pastor approve?
  12. Does the church leadership approve?
  13. Is it practical and sensible?
  14. Is this the correct time to make this decision?
  15. How much will it cost?
  16. Is the cost reasonable?
  17. How much time will it take?
  18. How much effort will it take?
  19. Do I have all the facts to comfortably make this decision?
  20. Will the decision glorify the Lord?
  21. Will this decision hurt my reputation or the reputation of the women’s Ministry of our church?
  22. Have I sought counsel about this decision?
  23. Did I arrive at this decision emotionally? (fear, doubt, anger, etc.)
  24. Did I arrive at this decision from pressing factors? (deadlines, peer pressure, etc.)
  25. Did I take my time making this decision?
  26. Will this decision build up and strengthen the women’s ministry?
  27. Will this decision hurt me spiritually as a person?
  28. Will this decision hurt others spiritually?
  29. What are the alternatives to this decision?
  30. After weighing all the pros and cons, is this a wise decision?
  31. Am I trusting God with faith about this decision?
  32. Do I have peace about this decision?
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

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