Decision Making Checklist in Women's Ministry

Decision Making Checklist

The Art of Making Decisions Part 3

Julia Bettencourt

March 2015

We are to Part 3 the series on decision making in women's ministry. You can find the first two parts at the following links.

There are 32 questions about decisions on the "Questions to Ask..." in Part 2, that I mention above. Some on that page are a little more detailed, but the ones below are a good concise checklist for overall decisions.

Decision Making Checklist

  1. I have prayed adequately about this decision.
  2. This decision is within biblical guidelines.
  3. I have been open to the Holy’s Spirit’s leading concerning this decision.
  4. I have sought counsel concerning this decision.
  5. I have considered the cause and effect of this decision.
  6. I have taken adequate time to make this decision.

Hey Women's Leader--Make it Happen!

Grab a sheet of paper and pen and think of the biggest pending decision you need to make in your women's ministry program.

  • Now write "Pending Decision" at the top of your page and what that decision is about that you need to make.
  • Just below that write "Projected Date to Make Decision By" and give yourself a practical deadline.
  • Next divide the rest of the room on the paper into two columns by drawing a line between the two. Put "Pros" on one side and "Cons" on the other.
  • Now start thinking about how this decision will affect your women's ministry and how it will affect anything involved by making that decision. Place all your thoughts in one column or the other.

When you have actually made that decision, you can ask yourself the questions from the checklist on this page, but I just want you to get used to writing out the pros and cons of big decisions. Sometimes just seeing it in writing can help you see the big picture.

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

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