Simple Lessons with Simple Objectives
Feasting your Thankful Eyes on Praise
Thanks — Lesson 2
Julia Bettencourt
November 13, 2023
Simple Objective: Focus on the blessings right in front of you.
Make it Personal: Share something that proved to be a blessing, but that you first thought was something negative in your life.
O taste and see that the LORD is good…Psalm 34:8 (KJV)
Participating in praise to the Lord is a wonderful thing. And to really express our praise to God, I feel we must first start with thankful hearts and look at praise through eyes of thankfulness.
Thankfulness puts praise into a better perspective. Being thankful helps our focus. Thankful hearts cause us to look more intensely at expressing our praise. And to have those thankful eyes to look through we must look around and count our blessings.
Being aware of our blessings does something for us internally. Our hearts can be impacted by realizing a blessing and that can turn into praise. Just like a wonderful meal on the Thanksgiving Day table, praise can be so satisfying!
We have to actively look for blessings. Sometimes we see the blessings on top of the plate as it were, but we may miss all those ingredients of blessing that go into it.
Some things don’t look like blessings, but those things have a way of building us up and strengthening us. Maybe you have experienced some blessings in disguise in your life.
God can use anything for good. In the end, God works through those trials, setbacks, and ugly things in our path to bless us. In turn that should move our focus towards praise for the Lord. Grateful hearts can’t help but express praise.
Feasting our eyes on something means that we look on it with enjoyment. That’s how we should look at praise to God. Praise can bring us closer to God. It can lift our spirits. Praise can change our attitudes. It can remind us to be humble. The benefits of praising God are so rewarding.
So, what are your eyes feasting on today?
Copyright ©2023 Julia Bettencourt

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