Simple Lessons with Simple Objectives
Constructing Thanksgiving Prayers
Thanks — Lesson 3
Julia Bettencourt
November 20, 2023
Simple Objective: Learn to construct your prayers of thanksgiving in a meaningful way.
Make it Personal: Share a blessing that either makes you feel happy, feel appreciative, or makes you feel humble.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. Psalm 95:2 (KJV)
We all know that we should be thankful, but how are we when it comes to constructing those prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord?
It’s fine to have unconstructed prayer too, like when we say a prayer of thanks under our breath quickly to the Lord when life is happening fast. It’s also good to reflect on those blessings from the Lord on a deeper level as well.
When people say thanks to us in passing, we appreciate it. On the other hand, when someone stops and takes that extra step to send us a thank you card or even make a phone call to us to say thanks, it all becomes more meaningful.
So, how do we work on our thanksgiving prayers? The first thing that comes to my mind is just stopping to be happy about something. Just look around. What do you have that makes you happy? When I am happy and rejoicing in my blessings, it helps me focus my prayers of thanks.
Next, just being appreciative helps me. That’s all about recognizing the good stuff. When I stop to reflect on what God does and gives me, it helps me say thanks.
The last thing is being humble. When I think about my blessings being from God’s doing and not my own, it puts things into perspective. That realization reminds me to give God the glory and say those thankful prayers.
When we feel like we don’t know how to pray a prayer of thanksgiving, all we have to do is look around at our blessings. They can give us joy. They can help us be appreciative. And our blessings can humble us as well.
So, how are you constructing your thanksgiving prayers?
Copyright ©2023 Julia Bettencourt

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