Tiered Trays for Event Decor

Simple Themed Tiered Trays for Event Decor

Julia Bettencourt

October 25, 2019

I get a lot of questions from women’s ministry leaders about ideas for decorating for women’s events, and I really think the best thing to do is keep things very simple or even not decorate at all. Decorating requires so much time, energy, and budget. And most times, especially at church women’s events, it really isn’t necessary at all.

Keeping things just simple and clean and putting most of your effort into the quality and core of your event will make more of an impact on your visitors and audience than going to all lengths to decorate an event ever will.

I think the key to decorating for women’s events (if you really “must”) is to contain everything. Don’t spread things out, but condense it. Have it on one table or in one place. Contain. Contain. Contain. I’ve suggested this before on the website and going to go over it again today, but “tray” decorating is my go-to for women’s events. It’s sooooo easy. It’s sooooo simple. It’s sooooo budget friendly. It’s sooooo easy to clean up and clear away.

One thing that you can do is use different types of containers to use as trays. I’ve given you a list of those in the past and you can pick some tray ideas here. One thing that is fun to decorate and I’m going to focus on today is tiered trays. They come in all sizes and shapes.

Online these things can be a little pricey, but check places like Marshalls, HomeGoods, and Ross for them, or on sale at Hobby Lobby. You can even do DIY ones if you want. I’ve made some myself before with candlesticks, clear glass plates from the dollar store, and E6000 glue.

Elements that are fun to add to any type of decorated tray

  • A fabric element. (A scarf, piece of fabric, dishtowel, cloth napkin, cloth place mat, piece of faux fur, or even a pillow cover.)
  • Some type of pottery. (Mug or cup, tea pot, pitcher, candle holder, candy dish, plate or saucer, vase, or even terracotta pots)
  • A paper element. (a book -open or closed, small pamphlet, bookmark, or paper garland)
  • A natural or organic element (wood framed sign, mini basket, floral, plant, faux feathers, dried or fresh leaves, cinnamon sticks, fruit, or a mini wood cutting board to use as a riser inside the tray.)
  • A rustic element. (brick, antlers, driftwood, or burlap)
  • A glamorous element. (shiny things such as silver picture frames, candlesticks, acrylic beaded type objects.)
  • Signage or Pictures (Frame something suitable such as a Bible verse or an inspirational saying, or something that goes with your subject. Find suitable photos or mini paintings to add. )

Tips for Decorating Tiered Trays

  • Using a variety of items within a tray will help give interest and add to the beauty of it all. Just don't use too many. (See list above)
  • Don’t try to make EVERYTHING in your tray a themed item. Use relating things or just anything that will add interest.
  • Shop your own home!! Just look around on your shelves, in your cupboards, in your drawers, and on your walls. Look in all parts of your house. You may not need to purchase anything!
  • Thinking outside the tray is okay too. Just keep it contained closely to the tray. You can see in the photo at the top of the page that I added an Apples of Gold book, a vase with an apple motif, and a few real apples outside of my tiered tray.

I urge you to just contain and simplify!

Copyright ©2019 Julia Bettencourt

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