Goals in Women's Ministry

Setting Goal Areas in Women's Ministry

Julia Bettencourt

Originally published as a category list in the Women's Ministry Training Camp 2011. The category list was broadened as a handout in 2019

Instead of just grabbing goals out of a hat, I think there are several areas that you can concentrate on when setting goals for your women's ministry. I think you can fit most things under the following areas.

  1. Spiritual Growth
  2. Activities and Events
  3. Fellowship and Interaction
  4. Attendance and Participation

1. Goals for Spiritual Growth

  • In what areas do your ladies need to grow spiritually?
  • Prayer?
  • Faith?
  • Basic Bible knowledge?
  • Other?

2. Goals for Activities and Events

  • What type of events will enhance the spirituality of your ladies?
  • What type of activities will strengthen their faith?
  • What will encourage fellowship?
  • What will encourage working together in the body of Christ?
  • Do you need to incorporate more Bible studies?
  • Do you need to incorporate more prayer time?
  • Do you need to hold more team and leader meetings?
  • Do you need to schedule more activities?
  • Or do you need to cut out current events to allow your ladies to be involved in more things church-wide and have more time with their families?

3. Setting Goals for Attendance and Participation

  • How can you encourage participation?
  • Is there a need for rescheduling?
  • Is there a need for childcare?
  • Is there a need for a better format?
  • Should the length of meetings and events be shortened?

4. Setting Goals for Fellowship and Interaction

  • How can you encourage fellowship?
  • Is there a need for more unity among your women?
  • Do you need to encourage mentoring and teaching other women?
  • Do your ladies fellowship and work easily alongside those in your church that are outside of women's ministry?

Copyright ©2011 Julia Bettencourt.

Hey Women's Leader--Make it Happen!

Grab 4 sheets of paper. Title each with the four areas of goal setting.

  1. Spiritual Growth
  2. Activities and Events
  3. Fellowship and Interaction
  4. Attendance and Participation

Next, write some goals that you think are important for your women's group for each area. Take your time and think about what areas you feel need to be concentrated on the most. Now, turn those goals into action!

This can be a good exercise for you to do with your women's ministry team!

Find more women's ministry helps in the Leader Development Index.

What? No Mailing List?

The answer is "no" I don't maintain one any more for a lot of reasons, but you can keep up with the Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page for announcements of anything new on the website.

Keeping it Simple

I have reduced my social media to just Facebook and Instagram.