Women's Ministry Setting Group Goals

Setting Group Goals as a Women’s Leader

Julia Bettencourt

November 02, 2006

Group goals are important, but there are some things you have to think about and do to get them set.

Ponder Before Deciding on Group Goals

Deciding upon some particular goals that you would like to see as a result of the women's ministry program in your local church can be a big help. It will enable you in planning what type of programs, activities, themes, and bible study topics you will try to see implemented.

Thinking and deciding on these goals may also give you a boost of enthusiasm where working with your women's ministry program is concerned.

Narrow Goals Down to Your Particular Group

As a women's ministry leader, you know your ladies best and what type of things you’d like to accomplish for your particular church group. Of course you may want all of the things mentioned on this list, but just choosing one or two to focus on for a year or even a shorter period of time is more practical.

Think about the areas that you feel are lacking in your particular group of ladies. Don’t just think about those ladies that attend regular monthly ladies meetings but try to gear your goals to encompass the whole of the women of your entire congregation.

These are just some examples, but you may want to come up with a couple of your own geared just for your group of ladies. Some of these listed are more on the practical side and some are more spiritually oriented.

Specific Women's Group Goal Suggestions

  1. I’d like our ladies to know each other by their first names.
  2. I’d like our ladies to fellowship with each other outside of church functions.
  3. I’d like our ladies to learn to express prayer requests to each other through the women's ministry and feel confident that those requests are being prayed for.
  4. I’d like to see our attendance for ladies' activities work up to an average of ______________(number) ladies.
  5. I’d like to see our ladies offer to volunteer to women's ministry efforts without being asked.
  6. I’d like to see our ladies study the Bible on their own and be women immersed in God's Word.
  7. I’d like to see our ladies motivated to actively invite others to join in on our women's activities.
  8. I’d like to see our ladies strive to be more godly women.
  9. I’d like our ladies to feel uplifted and encouraged as a result of our women's ministry activities.
  10. I’d like to see our ladies get involved in being Sunday School teachers and VBS workers.
  11. I’d like to see our ladies be prayer warriors for their husbands.
  12. I’d like our ladies to become prayer warriors for their children.
  13. I’d like to see our ladies become good homemakers as a result of the women's ministry programs.
  14. I’d like to see our ladies become more compassionate to other women.
  15. I’d like to see our ladies become heroines of faith in that their faith in the Lord grows strong.
  16. I’d like to see our ladies become more hospitable.
  17. I’d like to see our ladies portray friendliness at a high level.
  18. I’d like to see our ladies have a burden for the unsaved to come to know Christ.
  19. I’d like to see our ladies become mentors to other women.
  20. I’d like to see our ladies become mentors to other women.
  21. I’d like to see our ladies have a heart for missions and reach out more to the missionaries that our church supports.
  22. I’d like to see our ladies each have specific devotional quiet times.

Copyright ©2006 Julia Bettencourt.

Hey Women's Leader--Make it Happen!

Choose just 5 or less group goals from the list that you think would benefit your local church women's group. Write them down or type them out. Then look for ways to implement ideas for encouraging these goals in the things you plan out for your women's group over the next six months. Keep your list handy when doing any planning for your group.

Go back to your list after each month and write the date and the progress you think has been made. Check your overall progress in six months' time and choose new goals to implement.

Remember, these are specific goals. You probably already have some broader goals like growing in faith and growing friendships and things like that already, but being specific really does help you focus and accomplish those broader goals that you may already have for your women's group.

The number of goals you want to try for your group is up to you, I just say 5 or less to start with because then it doesn't seem so daunting.

Find more women's ministry helps in the Leader Development Index.

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