Do You Want to Build a Women's Ministry? Introduction
Julia Bettencourt
Originally posted January 25, 2016
Okay, we are well into winter, at least here in the States. The frost is beginning to nip at our noses. The chilly air makes our fingertips tingle. The bitter cold is penetrating our toes. If you are anything like me, your feet are always cold.
Here where I live in Northern California, we are having much colder temperatures than normal. It looks like our winter is consisting of cold and rain this year. I can't complain. We have been drought stricken for quite a while now. Our lakes, rivers, and especially our farmers need this rain. Our cold wet rain is definitely a blessing.
At first it was wonderful to see it rain, but I must admit it is starting to get a little old. We have had more rain in the last month or so than we have had in four years.
Winter is different for everyone. It may be snow, rain, or just some dreary looking days that your winter consists of for you personally. The thing is, winter can have a harsh impact on us no matter how low the temperature drops and how much precipitation we get.
As women's leaders and volunteers, you may have started out the New Year bright and perky. You might have been hyped up and raring to go make some changes and make a difference in your women's ministry.
You might have even worked especially hard on schedules, enlisting volunteers, making up pretty agendas and calendars. You have worked extremely hard. You've done everything to the best of your ability. You just don't know what more you can do.
I know how it is. After the New Year starts and a few weeks pass, winter sets in for each of us. More importantly, reality sets in for each of us. Maybe everyone in your women's ministry or perhaps even your church staff isn't on board. Maybe things aren't running as smoothly as expected. Maybe you feel like you started out the year just a few steps behind.
Don't worry. It isn't just you. This time of year across the board we have a tendency to get a little down where women's ministry is concerned. Just because it happens though, we can't let it keep us down. We have to get back on the horse. We have to get back in the race. We have to push forward. We can't let a little bump in the road grind us to a halt.
I thought we could all cheer ourselves up and get encouraged by concentrating on how important women's ministry is to the ladies in our groups. Let's take the time to step back a bit and see the full picture. Let's see the influence women's ministry can have on lives. Just think of what can be accomplished for Christ and eternity.
We are going to work on building the best women's ministry we can. We know that what we do through women's ministry has the potential to change lives. We know women's ministry can help build up faith in our ladies. We know it can strengthen the spiritual gifts of our ladies. We know it can encourage our ladies in the Lord. We know women's ministry has an impact, so let's get started.
I'm outside your door. Bundle up in some layers. Drag out your heavy coat. Wrap your scarf around your neck. Pop on your hat. Pull on your mittens and slide on your boots.
We are off to build a women's ministry!
Read Part 1 - Pack it Tight! of this article series next!!
Find the links to all of this series here.
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