Women's Ministry Surveys

Women's Ministry Surveys

Julia Bettencourt

Women's ministry surveys can help you evaluate your women's ministry in a lot of areas. General surveys of what your women expect, need, or even want from your women's program can help you do future planning. For events, you can take surveys to see what needs were met or weren't met, how the event made your attendees feel, and a variety of things.

I feel though that our women's ministry surveys for our events can get a little stale and your women may not want to fill out the same form year after year. I hope I have helped solve that issue by providing you with a variety of forms that you can use to evaluate various things throughout your women's ministry program.

Most of these do not have a place for your women to write their name as after doing this for so many years, I feel like you get the most truthful answers on your surveys if you collect them annonymously without names attached. Also, I've learned it's easier if you survey your women aside from collecting details about them, such as names, phone numbers, and all those things. Do that at another time because you don't want a survey to be work. You can find detail forms for your women to give their information on the Get to Know You Printables page.

Be sure to read my article on Developing a Women's Ministry Survey here. You may want to read through that before choosing a survey to use.

General Surveys

For more information from your church women to use for planning purposes.

Exit Event Surveys

For attendees to fill out after an event.

Leader and Team Post Event Surveys

For women's leaders and their teams to go over all the aspects after an event.

Bible Study Feedback Surveys

For Bible study attendees to fill out after completing a Bible study.

Go to the Download Library.

What? No Mailing List?

The answer is "no" I don't maintain one any more for a lot of reasons, but you can keep up with the Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page for announcements of anything new on the website.

Keeping it Simple

I have reduced my social media to just Facebook and Instagram.