Developing a Women's Ministry Survey

Developing Women's Ministry Surveys

Julia Bettencourt

September 15, 2007

Using a Women's Ministry Survey in your church or group is a great way to find out what the ladies want on an individual basis.

Surveys can be great tools to gather information that you need when planning out your women's ministry year and gearing activities and events to fit the needs of your entire group.

When to Conduct a Survey

A good time to conduct a survey is a few weeks before your first women's ministry planning or brainstorming session.

When setting the deadline to turn the surveys in, make sure to allow the ladies enough time to fill it out completely and really think through what they desire in the women's ministry program within your church.

How to Conduct a Survey

You can do this in several ways. I suggest all of them as a combination.

  1. Put your survey online if you have a church webpage.
  2. Email the surveys to your ladies and have them answer and email them back to you.
  3. Make some in print. Some of your ladies may not go online much so make sure you get the surveys printed out for those who would rather fill them out the old-fashioned way.

What to Include in Your Survey

There are several things that you can ask but be sure to include at least one question that asks what need your ladies see your women's ministry as filling (such as fellowship, Bible Study, etc.).

It's always good to see what your ladies expect.

General Items to Consider Putting on a Survey

  • Age
  • Marital Status
  • Children (number and age range)
  • Phone (Home and Mobile)
  • Email
  • Address
  • Birthday
  • Anniversary
  • Work (full or party time/day or night shift)

Questions to Consider Putting on a Survey

Of course, don't use every question below. Short simple surveys are appreciated. If there are more questions that you'd really like to ask, then divide it up and do a couple surveys at different times.

  1. Are you currently involved in a Bible study?
  2. Are you currently involved in a prayer group?
  3. Would you be interested in participating in Secret Sisters (or Prayer Sisters)?
  4. Would you be interested in sharing your testimony or a devotional at one of our ladies meetings?
  5. Would you be interested in being part of a visitation team (shut-ins, hospitalized, sick)?
  6. If you have a singing talent, would you be interested in singing (solo, duet, group) at one of our ladies events?
  7. If you play an instrument, would you be willing to play at one of our ladies events? If so, what instrument do you play?
  8. How often would you like to see our women's ministry meetings held?
  9. How often would you like to see our women's ministry special events held?
  10. Do you have grandchildren? (Age range)
  11. Do you have grandchildren? (Age range)
  12. Would you need child-care in order to attend our ladies meetings and events?
  13. Do you have any creative skills that you could use in relation to our women’s ministry projects and activities?
  14. What area of planning would you be most comfortable with? (crafts, table set-up, decorating, typing, phone calling, publicity, games, etc.)
  15. Which would you prefer? Mornings or evenings.
  16. What would be your idea day for a ladies meeting or event (day of week)?
  17. Would you ever be interested in attending an overnight retreat?
  18. Would you ever be interested in attending a ladies' event out of town. (25-50 miles)?
  19. What is your greatest need from our women's ministry? (Fellowship, Teaching and Bible Study, Mission and Outreach, etc.)
  20. What type of Bible Studies would you recommend for our women's ministry?
  21. What type of fun events would you recommend for our women's ministry?

Don't make it a chore

Women's ministry surveys shouldn't be overwhelming. You don't want them to be a chore, or something dreaded to fill out for your women.

If you have a lot of questions with lists such as preferred topics for Bible study or something like that, you may want to put that on a form all by itself and hand it out at a different time other than when you are already conducting another survey.

Copyright ©2007 Julia Bettencourt.

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