The Locker Room

The Locker Room

Training Camp Orientation Part 4

Julia Bettencourt

August 22, 2011 (Excerpt from the Women's Ministry Leader's Training Camp Series)

Bond with the players and get ready for the game!

How about a last-minute pep talk for your women's ministry since we are in the locker room? There are several things we need to unlock for our ladies before they go out on the field.

1.  Unlock Participation

We are going to have to encourage our ladies to be at meetings and participate in the things going on in women's ministry. Everybody needs to be part of the team.

2.  Unlock Confidence

One thing I've found working with women is that many don't have confidence in themselves, so this is something we have to work on unlocking. It will help them to get involved in the projects and activities that are going on and participate in the game.

3.  Unlock Encouragement

When your ladies are there encouraging each other, your team begins to grow a closeness and bond that they will need to play the game.

4.   Unlock Laughter

Hey! We are in the locker room. There's always a little laughter floating in there from time to time. Your ladies need to relax and and enjoy some fun sometimes. It will help the dynamics of their game.

5.  Unlock Enthusiasm

Get some excitement going about your women's ministry. Make it fun. Make it interesting. Make it worth spreading the news about to others. Let's get some anticipation going on as the players get out on the field.

6.  Unlock Responsibility

All of the players are going to have to do their part. They need to be in their place, be on time, and carry the ball when needed.

7.  Unlock Vision

Let your ladies see the goal and vision of their church women's ministry. Seeing the goal will help them move towards it.

Copyright ©2011 Julia Bettencourt

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