Simple Lessons with Simple Objectives
Bad Apples in the Basket
Teach Me — Lesson 3
Julia Bettencourt
October 23, 2023
Simple Objective: Make your speech delightful.
Make it Personal: Share an experience of having fruit spoil.
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Colossians 4:6 (KJV)
Bad apples don’t smell so good. Do they? Rotten speech that comes from a rotten attitude sure isn’t very pleasant either.
Rotten speech can spoil so many things. Just like one bad apple spoils the bunch, rotten speech can spoil the atmosphere or hurt other people.
We must learn the lesson of having good speech. As Christian women, we can’t be the bad apples in the basket. We must spread the Gospel and the love of Jesus.
Negative speech tends to have a negative impact on people. We have to work towards bearing the fruit of the Spirit with everything we say. Words are our superpower. We have the power to lift other people up with just the words we choose to say.
Did you know that when there is a bad apple, it starts emitting gases, which those other apples in the basket pick up on and they get contaminated? Those good apples begin rotting and decaying like that first bad apple.
I sure wouldn’t want to be responsible for a whole basket or a whole room of people developing bad attitudes because of my rotten behavior and speech.
Having speech that is full of grace and seasoned with salt is a struggle, but what comes out of our mouths does matter, so we have to practice good speech habits every day. We must make our speech delightful.
So, are you a good apple or a bad apple in the basket?
Copyright ©2023 Julia Bettencourt

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