Sweet Pineapple Leaders Devotional

Sweet Pineapple Leaders

Women's Leader Devotion

Julia Bettencourt

September 19, 2016

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)

You may have heard that saying about the pineapple. Awhile back someone wrote to me and told me they would be using that as a jumping off point for their ladies meeting.

I think it is a great saying. We surely can all afford to take that advice. We can stand tall and be all we can be through Christ. We can wear a crown because after all, if we know Christ, we are part of that royal family. And surely we all need to be sweet on the inside because, after all, what is inside of us is what comes out.

As I began thinking about it, I realized there are other things we can learn from the pineapple as well, especially as women's leaders.

Here are some traits about the pineapple that struck me as interesting and those we could learn from.

The Pineapple Promotes Circulation

I've had to deal with a few blood clots in the past so I really know the importance of circulation first hand. We need our blood to flow freely like it should or it can cause havoc on our bodies or even death.

What about us as women's leaders? Do we allow things to flow? Do we encourage those in our groups to get along? Do we ward off complaining before it becomes a problem? Do we show our love for Christ and encourage love and fellowship among our women?

We don't want to be the cause of a clot when it comes to sharing Christ with others. We can't allow ourselves to be a hindrance to the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Pineapple is Helpful in Digestion

Whether our digestive system is working properly plays a big role in our overall heath. Pineapple has been known to be an aid in digestion because it is rich in fiber.

What about us as women's leaders? Do we help our ladies in our women's groups to digest properly? Do we hold Bible studies on the right learning level? Are we targeting the needs of our women?

The Pineapple has Anti-inflammatory Qualities

Fresh pineapples are supposed to be great at helping with arthritis and pain. This is because of Bromelain, an enzyme that it contains. What about us as women's leaders? Do we help ease the pain of others? Do we encourage the women in our groups? Do we pray for them? Do we really listen to our ladies and what is on their hearts? Women's groups should not be the source of pain for those who are part of them. We need to make the atmosphere soothing where ladies meetings and events are concerned. We don't want to be responsible for flare-ups.

The Pineapple Helps the Immune System

Pineapples contain vitamin C so they help with our immune system to ward off sickness and disease. I read an interesting fact that European sailors carried pineapples with them on their ships to protect them from Scurvy.

I think a big thrust of our ladies ministries should be to keep each other in check. We need to help our ladies become immune to sin. We have to encourage each other to stay strong in our prayer lives, Bible reading, and faith.

Final Thoughts

I hope you won't look at the pineapple the same way again. I trust that when you pick one up that you'll be reminded to do the best you can to encourage those women that you've been given in your charge. Part of our job as leaders is to encourage others in the Lord.

It all goes back to what is on the inside. A ripe pineapple is full of sweetness and that's how we should be---sweet on the inside. What is in our hearts will come out in our attitudes and actions.

What are we really like on the inside? Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to have control? Are we promoting the things that keep our women's groups healthy? Are we soothing in our attitudes and working to keep unity within our women's groups? Are we warding off things that will hinder spiritual growth?

As leaders we need to be keeping our hearts as Proverbs 4:23 tells us to do. We have to put a guard over our hearts.

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)

People are watching us as an example. We can't be having unsweet words and unsweet actions coming out of us. What comes out of our mouths and out through our actions is a telltale sign of what's really inside of us.

So, are you as sweet as a pineapple?

Copyright ©2016 Julia Bettencourt

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