Storm Chasers Women's Leader Devotional

Storm Chasers

Women's Leader Devotion

Julia Bettencourt

September 20, 2023

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Psalm 91:1-2 (KJV)

I was mulling over in my mind a few stories that a few women's leaders shared with me recently, and I was thinking that wow, these ladies are storm chasers. They are just trying to put out fires here and there, and always chasing a storm of upset. In reality though, you can't stop every storm, even as a leader.

Sure, you can try, and you might even do some good and tone down some emotions, and keep people from exploding, and keep the peace. But is it always possible in ministry to do that? Especially in women's ministry where we women are sometimes led along with our emotions? Well, no. I don't think so.

We can try our best and use our negotiating skills, our mediator expertise, and even our love and compassion to calm a situation down, but sometimes there is just going to be a storm and nothing we can do will stop that storm of chaos.

Those storms of upset, anger, and even dissatisfaction can get momentum on their own. They will come with all the wind and the rain attached. So, watch out in women's ministry because there will be storms.

Storms and trials come into our personal lives, and they can plow through a women's ministry program too.

Have you ever seen that movie, "Twister"? Or maybe you have seen the movie clip. You know the one. There are these storm chasers, and the cow gets swallowed right up into the tornado.

Ever looked around your women's ministry, and there is unrest, bitterness, or anger brewing? Zoom! It's like you are watching cows going up into a tornado, only you see the love, friendships, and unity all flying up into the swirl. Maybe some good that was done through the women's ministry gets drawn into the spiraling storm. And look! There goes all that hard work you did! Perhaps you see those long hours you put into the women's program circling around in all the debris and going up, up, up, and into the storm.

Storms will come in ministry, but don't be the one that goes chasing the storm. I fear some of us have become storm chasers. We aren't happy unless we are right behind it. Maybe we are thinking we can stop it, but all we can do is watch in horror. But if you have tried negotiating, talking to people about the situation, prayed, and did all you can do, then you have to let the storm go because you aren't going to catch it.

I'm sure you know what I'm probably going to say next, especially if you live in a tornado zone. Yep! Run to the cellar!

Aren't you glad that as Christians, we have a place to go when the storm is raging? When you have done all you can do, then it's time to run to safety. We must run to that safe place of prayer while the storm rages.

Final Thoughts

I always love that quiet indoors when there is a storm outside. Don't you? Maybe the electricity goes out, and you have to light candles. The powers out, so no streaming tv or movies. You just have to enjoy the quiet for a bit. When a storm is raging in your life or in the ministry you work within, go get some quiet. Go rest in the arms of Jesus for a while. Refuel. Recharge. Find that safe place in the Lord.

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but one of my favorite passages of safety that I like to go running to like it's a cellar on a stormy day is Psalm 91. I encourage you to read through that and just take in all the love and safety found there.

Sure, there are always debris and a mess left from storms, and you may be the one picking them up, but storms happen in life and in ministry. Just work toward building things back up in a stronger and more storm proof way if you can.

Just don't forget while that storm is raging that you have a safe place to go. You don't have to be out on the road chasing the storm.

So, are you a storm chaser?

Copyright ©2023 Julia Bettencourt

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