Public Speaking for Women's Ministry Leaders

Tips for Public Speaking

Julia Bettencourt

March 10, 2015

As a women's leader you may be called upon to bring a challenge or a devotion to the women in your church group. Just remember that public speaking is one of those skills that can become better with time and experience, so with a little practice you might find yourself at ease sharing before a group.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

General Public Speaking Tips

  • Wear something that makes you feel good.
    • It could be a favorite dress.
    • It could be a favorite sweater.
    • It could be a favorite color.
    • It could be a favorite pair of shoes
  • Look your best.
    • You don't have to go over the top with heavy makeup or anything that isn't natural to you but be neatly groomed.
    • Hair combed.
    • Makeup applied neatly (if wearing makeup is your norm).
    • Fingernails maintained.
    • Shoes clean and neat.
    • Clothes neatly pressed or free of wrinkles.
    • Wear clothes fitting the occasion. If business attire is required, wear something appropriate. If it's casual, wear something semi-casual. Always choose semi-casual opposed to straight casual when speaking before a group. It could be something as simple as tying on a scarf or throwing on a blazer with a casual outfit just before speaking.
  • Remember to breathe. When you feel overwhelmed, take just a few seconds to breathe intentionally.
  • Make eye contact from time to time.
  • Stand with good posture.
  • Project your voice.
  • Keep within the time limit allotted.
  • Use notes if necessary.
  • Be aware of where your hands are. If you tend to talk with your hands, be sure to lay them on the podium or touch your notes with your hands to keep it under control.
  • Keep your voice at a steady rhythm. Try not to talk too fast or too slow.
  • Prepare what you are going to say and know the topic you are speaking on ahead of time.
  • If you are going to accept questions after speaking, be prepared ahead of time for what possible questions could arise from your topic.

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

March 08, 2015

Things to Calm You (when speaking to a women's group)

  • Know you are sharing what God has laid on your heart.
  • Know you are sharing something from God’s Word.
  • Know you have put time and effort into it. It will be okay!
  • Know God is using you as an instrument to bless and encourage others.
  • Know people are praying for you. (Ask ahead of time for prayer.)
  • Know God is the Prince of Peace. He calmed the sea. He can surely calm a few nerves.

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

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