Letters and Card Writing for Women's Ministry

Letters and Card Writing for Women's Ministry

Julia Bettencourt

August 23, 2023

There are various areas where women's ministry leaders find themselves writing. Letters, emails, and cards are some of them.

Business Letters and Emails

If you are a women's leader, you will probably end up contacting business owners, pastors and women's leaders from other churches, conferences speakers, special music groups, and probably a myriad of people.

Some of this may end up done through actual letter writing, even if letter writing isn't your thing, so you need to get a handle on how to write a business letter. It's just one of those skills a women's leader may need.

Be sure to get permission from your pastor or church leadership about policies and procedures of any type of correspondence that goes out from your women's ministry. Usually there is some kind of approval procedure in place, especially when something is put on church letterhead. Know what you can and cannot do when representing your church.

Some of your contact may be made through phone calls and emails, but you will need to develop a little bit of skill in being professional and courteous in an email. It's a whole set of different rules than when writing a business letter through snail mail. Because you are usually condensing what you say in an email, it is more likely to be taken wrong, so word carefully. People seem to read between the lines in emails and texts so being over courteous is always the rule when representing a ministry of your church.

Writing Professional Email How To's

More Personal Letters and Emails from a Leader

You might have occasion to write letters and emails on a more personal scale, but still as a leader. It might be to a missionary, a shut in, or even a fellow women's leader. Here are a few helps for you.

Christian Letter Writing Helps

Greeting Cards

Part of a women's ministry leader's job usually ends up being encouragement, so there might be times when you need to write cards of encouragement, and even birthday and anniversary cards, and you need to know how to add a little something in writing that shows you care.

Just adding a Bible verse, a caring phrase, or even an "I'm praying for your family" can do a lot of good. I always think personal notes are best. Jot someone's name. Jot something that shows you know their situation. Cards are personal, so make them personal!

Another type of correspondence that you will undoubtedly end up writing is thank yous to helpers, workers, and volunteers. You may need to write one to the church cleaning staff. You may need to write one to the sound engineer. All in all, thank yous are important, even if the thing you are thanking that person for is part of their job or duties. Let people know they are appreciated through a thank you card.

Again, these are personal. Thank people specifically for something that they have done. Write why their job was important. Write how much you appreciated the job they did. Write a thank you for anything they did that stood out or went beyond what they were called upon to do.

Here are a few verses I like to add to thank yous for help and volunteer work. Sometimes I just write the reference and sometimes I take the time to write them out on the card.

Verses for Thank You Cards

  • Hebrews 6:10
  • 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
  • Romans 1:8-9
  • Philippians 1:3-6
  • 1 Corinthians 1:4
  • Colossians 1:3-4
  • Numbers 6:24-26

You may need to write thank yous for people's prayers for you, for small gifts, for kindness shown to you as a leader. Don't overlook these opportunities to write a thank you card to these people. Prayer warriors are important. People that fill your life with kindness as a leader is a gift of God to you.

Copyright ©2023 Julia Bettencourt.

Find more women's ministry helps in the Leader Development Index.

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