Be sure to read Choosing Team Members Part 1 "Allowing Others to Serve" here.
Qualities to Look for
Choosing Team Members Part 2
Julia Bettencourt
March 2015
There are several things a women's ministry leader should watch for in potential leader team members and volunteers. Below you will find some suggestions that will help you to get to know your potential team members better.
Qualities to Look for in Potential Leaders
- Knows Jesus (salvation)
- Regular in church attendance
- Have a heart of compassion
- reflected by kind deeds
- Shares their faith with others.
- In their lifestyle
- In their personal witness and outreach
- Has appropriate speech habits
- not a complainer
- not a gossiper
- speaks kindly of and to others
- doesn’t use foul language
- talks respectful to others
- does not raise their voice in an argumentative tone
- not a “yeller”
- can hold their tongue
- Gets along with others
- Reads and studies the Bible on a regular basis
- Is passionate about prayer
- has a consistent prayer life
- prays for others
- requests prayer
- treats prayer as an important part of their life
- Hard worker
- Possess gifts and skills that will enhance your women’s ministry
- Has a teachable spirit
- Is able to teach and mentor others (or has a willingness to learn)
- Respects the pastor
- Respects the leadership of the church
- . Knowledgeable on the Bible (or is learning to be)
- good handle on basic doctrine
- knowledgeable on Bible characters and stories
- knows how to look up things in their Bible
- knowledgeable on salvation verses
- knowledgeable on assurance verses
- has committed a portion of Bible to memory
- Knows how to lead someone to Christ (or has willingness to learn)
- Is reliable and dependable
- will show up to meetings
- will show up to meetings on time
- will finish tasks
- keep their word
- Has a good attitude
- a pleasant outlook
- isn’t constantly depressed
- doesn’t have a habit of complaining
- Humble
- isn’t proud
- doesn’t look down on others
- Sets a good Christian example
- Concerned for lost souls
- Has a good relationship with their husband and children (if applicable)
- Careful in financial matters
- very important where a budget is concerned
- Hospitable spirit toward others
- Has good manners
- courteous
- says please and thank you
- gracious
- polite
- Has a servant’s heart
- desires to serve the Lord
- is willing to serve others
- is willing to serve under the leadership of others
- doesn’t mind the “dirty” jobs
- Dresses with modesty
- Able to keep confidences
- Will make a diverse team member
- You don’t want all of your team to have the same personalities, attitudes, and overall thinking.
- Choose moms, singles, widowed, outgoing, quiet, etc.
- Is in a different age group than other team members
- Vary the age groups of women that you gather for your team.
- It helps to have perspectives from different stages of life.
- Life bears fruit
- love
- joy
- peace
- longsuffering
- gentleness
- goodness
- faith
- meekness
- temperance
Good manners make a person nice to know.
I used to read a book to my kids about manners when they were little (can’t remember the name of it) but I still repeat the line above from it to them from time to time even if they are grown.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt
Be sure to read Choosing Team Members Part 1 Allowing Others to Serve here.
Go to the Teams and Volunteers Index.