Building a Women's Ministry Theme

I encourage you to read my article, Not Limiting God before reading through these ideas.

Building a Women's Ministry Theme

Julia Bettencourt

May 03, 2013

Ladies ask me all the time where I come up with my women's ministry themes. The answer is a lot of things. Sometimes it starts with a Bible verse, Bible topic, or Biblical principle.

Other times it might be something not "spiritual" at all, but it might strike me and remind of a Bible verse or something about Christian living.

Still other times it might be that someone has asked me to come up with a theme for a particular topic.

Here are some things that have and still do inspire me for women's theme ideas.


There are all kinds of places to start in the Bible.

  • Something from your personal Bible study time that you would like to develop
  • Bible Topic
  • Biblical Character
  • Woman of the Bible
  • Biblical Character Trait
  • Just one verse that inspires you


I love the old hymns. Sometimes I sit at home at my piano and just play through some my old hymnbooks when I get a chance. Hymns have such great things in them. They have been one of my greatest inspirations when I work on women's ministry themes.


This is another thing that seems to catch me up and say, "Hey! Look at me!". If you just look around, you'll be amazed at the Biblical lessons we can be taught from just everyday objects that are all around us.


Look around at people. They can be a big inspiration.

  • Hurting people - They may inspire a topic that encourages the need of Christ in lives or reaching out.
  • Happy People - That may inspire something joyful or enthusiastic.
  • What they say
  • How they act


There may be something in a Bible message that you may pull just one little point away and want to know more or that you want to focus on further. You might be inspired to dig more out of what you heard in church and pretty soon it's inspired you to do a women's ministry theme on the topic


God made some beautiful and intricate things here on this earth to enjoy. You can tell by looking at the website that this inspires me. There are themes on bugs, bees, trees, sunflowers, cows, and roses, and even more things from God's beautiful creations.

Here are several things you can draw from.

  • Animals
  • Insects
  • Flowers
  • Things such as mountains, rivers, oceans, trees, etc.
  • Weather


Sometimes I've just glanced through a magazine, and something has popped out at me. I was recently glancing at a photo spread of some projects that a couple had done who liked to refinish furniture.

I think the title had something in it about "refurbishing" and "Refreshing". That made me think about how God can redo us so that’s how I ended up building a Thrifting Something Beautiful Theme


They can be quotes from anywhere or you can concentrate on finding great quotes from where people are speaking in the Bible. Quotes from Christ are the greatest I think, but read through the Bible stories that have characters in them. They say some wonderful and profound things that would spark a women's theme.


Have you seen any good ones of these lately?


You may use a purchased Bible Study book that you want to build a women's theme from, or you may just see the title of an ordinary book and develop a theme from that.


Ever see something on the side of a can that made you think? I had a challenge on the website years ago where I had everyone take any product and build a devotional from it. I received an overwhelming number of fantastic ideas and all from product labels.


These can be from products, campaign slogans, group slogans. Some of these can be inspiring and could work well for a women's ministry theme. New Year’s slogans can be a great inspiration for staring out the New Year.


Who knew you could find inspiration in that? The Coffee and Chocolate themes on the website are good examples of this type of theme.


I've found people relate well to the things they like to do. The Sewing theme fits into this category, but so many sports and hobbies would make a good theme starting point. (You can find the Sewing theme on the Feminine Event Themes Page.)


We all celebrate these in our lives, so they are great for women's themes. Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Christmas themes, and more make great ways to honor people and milestones. Celebrations are an important part of people's lives.


I'm a big lover of the change of seasons. It kind of gives a new lease on life, no matter which season we are just going into. There are always reminders of the season such as different kinds of flowers in bloom, different types of foods we prepare during those seasons, different temperatures that we enjoy.

Anything about a particular season could spark a women's ministry theme.


Some ladies tell me they could never develop a theme like I do but I know that you all have deeper potential for the creative side than you think. It's like when we are told we use only a tiny percentage of our brain. I think the majority of people use only a small percentage of their God given creativity.

Just look around and let something inspire you to dig deeper. You'll be able to pull off building a women's theme. Sure, you may need help. Brainstorm with other ladies if you need to.

No matter how long I've been doing this, I have the need to brainstorm as well from time to time. Just don't forget to slow down and see what's out there to try.

Copyright ©2013 Julia Bettencourt

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