Bible Memory in Women's Ministry

Bible Memory in Women's Ministry

Julia Bettencourt

August 30, 2023

I want to bring something to your attention as women's leaders and that is the benefit of Bible memory when it comes to our women in our local churches. I think women's ministry programs are the perfect place to add in a little motivation for Bible memory. Memorizing God's Word can do so much for us. Be sure to read the Benefits of Bible Study here. And studying the Bible is great, but when you memorize God's Word on top of that you can take it with you wherever you go.

When I was growing up my parents always had me in a Bible memory plan called BMA (Bible Memory Association). It's now called Scripture Memory Fellowship. Anyway, I learned verses each week. As I got older and moved out of the books for younger kids, there would be about ten or so verses a week. I think the books we did in high school had around eighty some verses in them. I earned prizes for memorizing, mostly books. Then once a year I would get to go to memory camp after I had learned all of my verses. I enjoyed all of it and even continued this program as an adult for several years.

And sure as a kid, the rewards of that and getting to go to camp was fun, but I can't tell you how much memorizing each week when I was a kid has helped me as an adult. There are so many times I call to memory those Bible verses that I learned when I was young. God's Word is there for me to grab hold of when I need it. It comforts me, encourages me, and even scolds me at times, but I am so grateful that I have those beautiful verses buried in my mind and heart and I can call them to memory just when I need them.

Here is the link to Scripture Memory Fellowship in case you want to check them out. When you order their memory books you get three options for the Bible translation that you want. (and no, that's not a sponsored link. I just think any good tool for memorizing God's Word is good for you.)

I want that ability to recall God's Word when we need it for the ladies in our churches. I'm not sure how people go through life without those precious Bible verses to call to memory. I'd be lost without that little tool of memory to help me get through life.

Use whatever tools work best for you to memorize. You may be the type of person that needs to write out your verses. I write mine on index cards and use them as flashcards when I memorize. Some people like just reading them aloud several times. There are apps for Bible memory too. Take advantage of whatever helps you to memorize in the most efficient way. You don't want to memorize and retain for the short term like some of us did while we were students. We want to memorize Scripture to retain it for our entire lives, because that's how long we are going to need it. The Word can light our way through life if we just let it.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

Also, I want to encourage you not only to memorize Bible verses but memorize other things pertaining to the Bible as well. And if you are a women's ministry leader, then get your women motivated to memorize these things too. Memorize the books of the Bible. Memorize the days of creation. Memorize the disciples’ names. You get the idea! Get to know your Bible like the great Friend that it is.

I've done a Valentine's Bible Memory Challenge here on the website for several years now. I missed last year but this February I will be doing that with you again. Below are some of the Bible challenges I have done with my followers. These are the last five that I have done.

Bible Memory Challenges

These are 14 DAY challenges. Start on DAY 1, for any month and go through DAY 14. To me that's the easiest way to do it. You can download these in jpg as well as pdf. Saving the jpgs to your phone photos will help you keep the verses handy.

You can pick up the devotionals that I shared through the 2021 Memory Challenges here.

©2023 Julia Bettencourt

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