Hello! And great to have you here. I went through my “Shattered Mom’s Series” leading up to Mother’s Day over on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page. It was one I shared on the website back in 2019.

I thought I would leave the downloads up for this one as so many of my regular followers somehow missed it the first time around, so a lot more of you might have as well. I go through the lives of 3 “shattered” women in the Bible. The series contains 5 parts including the Introduction and Conclusion.
I trust that you will enjoy! Each session has some review questions at the end.
These are all in PDF format.
Session One – Introduction
Session Two – Job’s Wife: Too Close to the Fire
Session Three – Hannah – Lost in Longing
Session Four – Naomi – Empty and Alone
Session Five – Conclusion
I hope you will enjoy studying these biblical women who went through life a little shattered. My biggest hope is that the women in our local churches can relate but that they won’t stay in the shattering of life. Lately I’ve seen so many “Christian” women online encouraging others to stay in the hurt, especially around Mother’s Day. I hope we can see that isn’t any way to live and surely isn’t doing that “encouraging” each other as the Bible talks about in 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Let’s encourage each other to live beyond the shattering and move past the hurt into vibrant living.
Our women deserve better than encouraging them to stay in pain forever. My prayer always this time of year around Mother’s Day is that we can teach each other as Christian women to deal with pain and deal with hurt so this one holiday a year doesn’t knock someone down and wear them out.
Hope all of you moms had a lovely Mother’s Day. I enjoyed mine. I mostly relaxed. Hope you ladies were able to do a little of that too.
Have a lovely day,