Journaling for Women's Ministry Leaders

Women's Ministry Leader Journaling

Julia Bettencourt

March 30, 2015;

A women’s ministry journal is a place to write down all those things associated with women’s ministry. Begin to journal all about your experiences. Write down things that have worked and things that did not work. Write about meetings, experiences, and how being involved in women’s ministry has made you feel.

Record feedback on various events. Write specific quotes of what people have said. Record Bible verses that encourage you. Include quotes that encourage you. To make a Women’s Ministry Journal any type of journal or notebook will work to hold your writing. It could be lined or blank paper. It’s all up to your own preference.

Journaling Prompts for Leaders...

  1. The team accomplished…
  2. I accomplished…
  3. God blessed us...
  4. Today I learned that…
  5. My thoughts on...
  6. I’m so excited…
  7. This went well…
  8. This made me smile…
  9. This made my cry…
  10. Pray for...
  11. Great Idea!...
  12. I want to remember this…
  13. Big Plans…
  14. This was strange…
  15. Tell me this didn’t happen…
  16. Regrettable Moment…
  17. Silly Moment…
  18. I see God growing me…
  19. I see God growing others…
  20. The best thing this week…
  21. I saw spiritual growth in…
  22. What I could have handled better…
  23. Reachable Goal…
  24. Brought to Tears…
  25. Learning from my Bible…
  26. This inspired me...
  27. This encouraged me…
  28. I tried something new…
  29. Happy Moment…
  30. Praise the Lord!...
  31. God is so good…
  32. My heart is sinking…
  33. Great Meeting!...
  34. My team is fantastic…
  35. I had so much help…
  36. So much fun…
  37. Truth learned…
  38. God’s grace is so good…
  39. Learning to lean...

Other Points to Journal About for Women's Leaders

  1. The women's growth in the Word
  2. The women's growth in friendship
  3. The women's growth in faith
  4. The women's growth in attendance at activities, events, and church services
  5. The women's growth in mentoring and sharing their knowledge
  6. The women's growth in sharing the Gospel
  7. The women's growth in community involvement
  8. The women's growth in church-wide involvement
  9. The women's growth in the fruit of the Spirit

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

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