The Equipment Room

The Equipment Room

Training Camp Orientation Part 3

Julia Bettencourt

August 22, 2011 (Excerpt from the Women's Ministry Leader's Training Camp Series)

Keep your equipment at the ready!

The protective equipment used in football is there for the protection of the players. If you are going to play the game, it will be helpful for you to know what each piece is used for and why.

When it comes to women's ministry, we need to familiarize ourselves with our equipment as well, so that we play the game a little more effectively.

Every single item that may be used in football isn't listed, but here are some of the basics.

1.  Mouth Guard

When you are on the field, this is one piece of equipment that you'll need all during the game. As a women's ministry leader you will need to guard your mouth every day. You must guard against the things you say. One thing you must remember too is that guarding confidentiality with your ladies is an important part of women's ministry. So don't forget your mouth guard.

2.   Shoulder Pads

As a women's ministry leader, you will be called upon to shoulder responsibilities. Also, you will need to be there to shoulder burdens of the ladies within your group as well.

3.  Knee Pads

This is definitely an important part of your equipment. You will need to spend a lot of time on your knees in prayer. Your women's ministry needs to be bathed in prayer and you need to be praying specifically for the ladies within your group and for yourself as well.

4.   Helmet

Face it. You are going to be bombarded with obstacles and roadblocks from time to time. You may even encounter some personal blows, so you will need your helmet. Get strong in the Lord so you will deflect the hard impact that may come your way.

5.  Elbow Pads

You will be required from time to time to rub elbows with others and work alongside of your women's ministry team, helpers, and volunteers.

6.  Cleats

You are going to have to wear this type of shoe because they are made for gripping the soil so you won't slide on the ground. Get grounded in the word and this will help you.

7.  Jersey (uniform)

You've got to wear this with pride. Be enthusiastic and build up the team spirit. Don't talk negatively about your women's ministry or the ladies within your group. Be proud to be part of your women's ministry team.

Copyright ©2011 Julia Bettencourt

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