Eye on Scoring in Women's Ministry

Eye on Scoring

Training Camp Article 11

Julia Bettencourt

August 22, 2011 (Excerpt from the Women's Ministry Leader's Training Camp Series)

Scoring = the act of making points in the game

Scoring in football is basically done by touchdowns and field goals. There’s something with the safety position that I don’t really understand, but simply scoring is done by getting the football into the end zone on the other side of the field. It’s all about goals.

In women’s ministry we have to set some goals too. We have to know what direction we are going in and have a clear eye on how to get there.

1.  Visibility

The goalposts and the end zone lines are not hidden in football. The players can get their eye on that and know where and how far to kick, pass, or run the ball down the field. In ministry we need to set clear visible goals as well. The women in your groups and in your church need to know why they are investing their time into the program. What’s the goal?

What’s the purpose of your women’s ministry? To grow in fellowship? To reach out to the community? To have the ladies grow in faith? You can have several specific goals, but it is always nice to have a few broad range goals that are in the end zone and that encompass the smaller goals.

If we don’t see something to aim for, sometimes we get bogged down because we can get off in our direction. I think sometimes when clear goals are not set in women’s ministry, then a lot of busy work and busy activities take place that lack in substance.

2.  Alignment

In football, the goalposts have to be a certain height, certain width, and be set in the correct place on the field. The lines for each down and the end zone have to be measured and set and straight as well.

We have to have our goals aligned correctly in women’s ministry too. We need to align everything we do up with the Word of God. That means aligning the Word with everything we do to get to those goals. That includes our Bible lessons, our special speakers, the conferences we consider taking our ladies to attend, and everything that goes into our events and activities.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (KJV)

3.  Quarters

In football, the game is divided up into quarters. You only have each of those quarters to work on winning the game and scoring the goals.

I think quarters are great to divide up women’s ministry work too. Divide your year up into quarters. Set goals for each of those quarters. It’s easier to work toward your goals that way. It’s easier to plan as well and makes reaching those goals a little easier.

Plan activities and Bible studies during that quarter that will help you get closer to your bigger goals. Make your women aware of what’s going on each quarter and aware of goals that are set for your women’s ministry.

4.  Downs

A down in football is one of four consecutive plays in which a team must gain at least 10 yards to keep possession of the ball. I guess the rules are still that way. Some things do change over time, and I don't keep up with football in detail.

You won’t reach the other end of the field in women’s ministry in one swoop; we have our own downs to work through. It’s that working little by little in each down that the team gains yardage. At the end of the four downs in football, they go by measurement of whether the team made the yardage needed to get to have another set of downs.

In women’s ministry we need to take some measurements. The first thing I think we need to check on is if what we are doing is for the glory of the Lord or are we just trying to please others. Usually getting that in order helps us see our goals again and see them more clearly.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (KJV)

Checkups are always good for any women’s ministry. Ask yourself or your leadership team some questions. How far have we come? How much further do we have to go? Are our ladies better friends, wives, kinder, more forgiving, standing stronger in their faith? What’s the growth of our women’s ministry to this point? What’s the spiritual growth of our ladies?

Check up on areas to see if your women’s group is progressing toward the goals. Are you satisfied with how things are progressing?


You’ve probably already learned that setting goals in your personal life is important. It helps us accomplish things, stay on time, and be productive. It’s the same in women’s ministry; goals help set a vision and something to grab hold of to work towards. We want a productive women’s ministry.

Ministering to women in the local church is such a wonderful place to see women to grow in the Lord, to grow closer to other Christian women, use their gifts, be encouraged, and be equipped to serve Christ. Look at how much more can we do when specific goals are set to gel all of these things together. Moving toward our goals helps set us up to score.

Copyright ©2011 Julia Bettencourt

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