Women's Ministry Leader Personal Goals

Setting Personal Goals as a Women’s Leader

Julia Bettencourt

November 02, 2006

Making it Personal

While deciding upon some particular goals that you would like to see in the women’s ministry with which you work is great, but as a leader you need to set some specific goals for yourself as well.

You have to be the best person you can be yourself before you can be the best leader for others.

Your leadership is a combination of all you do in your life, not just when you are residing over meetings and committees.

Don't Bite off more than you can chew

Take a deep look at your life. What needs improving? What areas do you want to work and concentrate on?

Don’t try to over-set goals for yourself. Just choose a few things to improve upon or implement at a time. Constantly working on yourself will reflect in the type of leader you are.

Here is a list to get you thinking, but you need to evaluate your life and see what you need to set goals for.

There are probably little sub areas in many of the ones listed that could be concentrated on as well.

Specific Women's Leader Personal Goal Suggestions

  1. I want to pray daily for our ladies. Be practical. If you have a small group of ladies, you could pray for each lady each day during your personal prayer time. If you have a large group, you may need to rotate their names each day.
  2. I want to be a friendlier person. I want to be more organized.
  3. I want to become less nervous and anxious when standing and speaking before our ladies.
  4. I want to be on time for each activity and event for my women's ministry.
  5. I want to have and portray confidence.
  6. I want to spend ______minutes in prayer daily.
  7. I want to spend ______minutes in Bible study daily.
  8. I want to set my work with my women's ministry as a priority in my life.
  9. I want to become a mentor to other ladies within our church.
  10. I want to work on the area of procrastination when it comes to my work with women's ministry.
  11. I want to plan out the year of activities for my work with women's ministry.
  12. I want to remember each birthday of the ladies in my group with a card or some acknowledgement.
  13. I want to work on being better at pre-planning activities for the ladies in my group.
  14. I want to be more in tune and communicate better with our pastor and church leadership about what is going on with the women's ministry program.
  15. I want to have a genuine love for each lady in our women's ministry.
  16. I want to be an encourager to the women I’m working with in my ministry.
  17. I want to depend on God more and not myself to accomplish my work with women's ministry.
  18. I want to have a positive impact on the ladies I touch through my work with women's ministry.
  19. I want to work on being a better mother and wife to my children and husband.
  20. I want to work on eating healthy. Perhaps I will lose weight if needed, change my diet, etc.
  21. I want to start an exercise program or increase my exercise.
  22. I want to work on getting enough sleep. Perhaps go to bed a little earlier. (If you are tired all the time, you are not 100 percent.)
  23. I want to work on my relationship with my husband.
  24. I want to work on my relationship with my children.
  25. I want to work on taming my tongue.

Copyright ©2006 Julia Bettencourt.

Hey Women's Leader--Make it Happen!

Choose just 5 or less personal goals from the list that you think would benefit your own personal life. Write them down or type them out. Then look for ways to implement ideas for encouraging these goals in the things you do over the next six months. If it's an eating healthy goal, you may need to stop and make menus, etc. If it's having more time to concentrate on a particular area of life, you may need to make schedules and set alarms. Make a plan to reach your goals.

Keep your list handy to refer to from time to time.

Go back to your list after each month and write the date and the progress you think has been made. You may even want to make a journal and keep your thoughts about working on your goals all together in one notebook or journal. Check your overall progress in six months' time and choose new goals to implement.

Remember, these are specific goals. You probably already have some broader goals for your life, but being specific really does help you focus and accomplish those broader goals that you may already have for your personal life.

The number of goals you want to try at once is up to you, I just say 5 or less to start with because then it doesn't seem so daunting.

Find more women's ministry helps in the Leader Development Index.

What? No Mailing List?

The answer is "no" I don't maintain one any more for a lot of reasons, but you can keep up with the Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page for announcements of anything new on the website.

Keeping it Simple

I have reduced my social media to just Facebook and Instagram.