Praying for Your Retreat

Praying for Your Retreat

Julia Bettencourt

November 2, 2001

Originally included in the General Coordinator Planning Guide in my event planning material, Successful Event Planning.

Everything needs prayer, and when we plan activities and events for our women such as retreats, we want to bathe it in prayer. Here are some tips to help you plan a prayer strategy for your next women's retreat (or event).

Tips for Praying for Your Women's Ministry Retreat

Prayer changes things and people!

1.  Enlist Others

Enlist others to pray along with you.

2.  Prayer List

Put the event on your church prayer list.

3.  Prayer Schedule

Make a prayer schedule divided up between the ladies of your church for the weeks and months leading up to your event.

4.  Prayer Meetings

Schedule special prayer meetings for your church ladies' group to pray specifically for your event.

5.  Prayer Clock

Make a prayer clock schedule for the week prior to the event and have your ladies sign up to pray at specific hours of the day.

Prayer Clock Sign Up

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

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Julia Bettencourt