Narrowing a a Women's Ministry Statement

Narrowing a Women's Ministry Statement

Why does your women's ministry exist?

Julia Bettencourt

March 03, 2015

I don't always believe mission or vision statements are necessary for all women's ministry programs, but I do think if you use one that you should really think about it and mull over it for a while. I think you should ask advice about what you come up with and get more opinions than just your own. I also think it should be short and sweet and encompass the whole of your women's ministry vision. On top of that it should encompass the vision of your local church. Your women's ministry program is an outreach of your church so make sure it lines up and reflects what you church is doing and the mission that it has.

On this page I have some examples and ideas for mission or purpose statements. Some of them just essentially say the same thing only in different ways. These can be used as is or you may want to take some parts of one example and combine it with another as some will not cover much on their own.

These are just basically wording ideas for you to play with as you narrow down what you want to include in a mission statement. Short and concise usually works best.

You may want to combine your mission statement with a Bible verse. This can serve as sort of a theme verse for your women’s group. There are several verse suggestions here on the website, but dig through God’s Word and find what speaks to you and your group about your mission. Pray about it and be open to God’s direction.

65 Examples of Women's Ministry Purpose Statements

  1. To equip women for service.
  2. To bring women together of all ages to deepen fellowship and spiritual growth.
  3. To help women of all ages find a place in the body of Christ.
  4. To equip and encourage women in the study of the Word of God.
  5. To bring glory to the Lord through events and activities dedicated to women.
  6. To support women in their relationships with the Lord.
  7. To minister to women through teaching God’s Word, building friendships, and encouraging the use of their spiritual gifts.
  8. To help build up the faith of women of all ages.
  9. To offer opportunities of growth, teaching, and fellowship to women of all ages.
  10. To encourage spiritual growth through Bible studies, fellowship, and God centered activities.
  11. To encourage women in their daily lives through biblical teaching and Christ centered activities.
  12. To encourage and equip women in their faith and service for the Lord.
  13. To encourage and equip women in their application of living by faith.
  14. To encourage spiritual maturity and offer activities for fellowship with all ages of women.
  15. To encourage women in their relationship with Christ and others.
  16. To encourage and empower women in their spiritual journey.
  17. To encourage, challenge, and mentor women in their spiritual journey.
  18. To encourage women in their relationship with the Lord through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
  19. Empowering the lives of women through Bible study, prayer, outreach, and fellowship.
  20. Touching the lives of women through teaching, mentoring, and encouraging.
  21. Providing an opportunity for women to develop their spiritual gifts, abilities, and see their faith grow.
  22. To build up and strengthen women in their lives, homes, and outreach.
  23. To reach other women by serving and sharing Christ.
  24. Reflecting the love of Christ through opportunities for women.
  25. Touching all generations of women through teaching and encouraging.
  26. To encourage and empower women in their service to Christ.
  27. To encourage women in a deeper relationship with the Lord.
  28. To encourage women in their faith, friendships, and fit in the body of Christ.
  29. To encourage women to develop a passionate relationship with Christ.
  30. Equipping women to pursue a deeper relationship with Christ and a deeper love for others.
  31. To support missions through our projects and activities in an endeavor to reach souls for Christ.
  32. To encourage women to grow their personal relationship with Christ through God’s Word and service to others.
  33. Supports, empowers, and equips women for life and service.
  34. To lead women to a life changing relationship with Christ.
  35. To come alongside of women to equip, encourage, and empower them in their relationship to Christ.
  36. To develop and cultivate women to increase their prayer life, their Bible study, and outreach to others.
  37. To carry out the Great Commission through women.
  38. To encourage every woman at whatever state in life they are facing.
  39. To connect women and transform lives.
  40. To love Christ, live for Christ, and lead for Christ through women of all ages.
  41. To encourage women to live to the full potential of what God intended for them.
  42. To encourage women to live abundantly for Christ in all areas.
  43. To enrich the lives of women through Bible study, mentoring, and fellowship.
  44. To create areas of opportunities for women to flourish in their relationship with God and with others.
  45. To provide an environment where women are equipped with God’s Word and encouraged in sharing their faith.
  46. To provide an environment for women to tune out the world and tune in on Christ.
  47. To encourage women to make an impact for Christ in their homes, church, and community.
  48. Equipping women to bless others with the truth, grace, and the love of Christ.
  49. Seeking to build relationships, foster spiritual growth, and encourage women to share the Gospel.
  50. To encourage women to desire the Word, build their faith, and connect with other women.
  51. To serve together as women in love, faith, and unity.
  52. To provide opportunities for Bible study, encouragement, and occasions for women to use their gifts and talents.
  53. To shepherd women to follow and embrace Christ.
  54. To further the work of Christ by encouraging spiritual growth in women of all ages.
  55. To provide a place to grow spiritually, minister to others, and develop friendships among women.
  56. To encourage women in the areas of Bible study, discipleship, service, and fellowship.
  57. To meet the complex needs of women today through Bible study, connection, and service.
  58. To encourage extraordinary lives for an extraordinary God.
  59. To cause women to grow in faith and service for Christ.
  60. To connect women with Bible study opportunities, other women, and service.
  61. To encourage women to know Christ intimately, love others deeply, and serve faithfully.
  62. To grow in God’s grace and live by Christ’s example.
  63. To be active in service and strong in faith.
  64. To share the light of Christ throughout the community.
  65. To encourage women to live victorious lives in Christ.

When writing your mission statement, be sure to name your church and group name if any and weave it into the statement. This can be done such as...

"The the purpose of the women's ministry of Your Church Name is to........"

If you make up a purpose statement for your church ladies' group or if your women's program already has a purpose statement, be sure to let your ladies know what it is from time to time. Place it in any brochures, the church bulletin from time to time, and on any programs that you make up for your women's ministry events.

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

Find theme Bible verses here.

Hey Women's Leader--Make it Happen!

Grab a couple pieces of paper or a notebook and a pen.

  • Write the heading "Current Statement" at the top of the page and write underneath it your current women's ministry mission or purpose statement if your church has one.
  • Write underneath the heading "Adequate?" and this question with a "yes" or "no". Do you think it is adequate for your women’s ministry purpose?
  • Beneath that write the heading "Good Parts" and underneath write out what words, lines, or specifics of the current mission statement that you like.
  • Beneath that write the heading "Lacking" and underneath write out what elements of purpose for your women’s ministry you think is lacking in the current statement.
  • Write the heading "Elements to Add" and underneath make a list of the key elements that are important and that need to be included. Include in those the key elements the statement already contains and what you would add.
  • On another sheet of paper write out 3 different alternatives that you would like to see implemented as a new mission statement for your church women's group.
  • Go further and discuss it with your women's ministry team and church leadership.

Find more things along this line in the Leader Basics.

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The answer is "no" I don't maintain one any more for a lot of reasons, but you can keep up with the Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page for announcements of anything new on the website.

Keeping it Simple

I have reduced my social media to just Facebook and Instagram.