Keeping Team Members Informed in Women's Ministry
Julia Bettencourt
March, 2015, From the Online Leadership Conference. Revised slightly August 2023
How to Keep Team Members Informed
There might be some things you would like to keep confidential, especially things you haven't discussed with the church leadership, or maybe things you are still praying about for your women's ministry, but overall, as a leader you do need to keep your team members informed on what's going on within that ministry. It helps them have a sense of community effort. It helps them see the whole picture. It helps them work within the goals and plans as a team. It helps them do their job as a team member.
1. Give them an overview of their duties
- List it out.
- Allow them to ask questions and make sure they know what is expected of them.
2. Let them know of anything required by your church for its church leaders
- Some churches have specific criteria and requirements for any type of leader within the church.
- Some churches have standards of conduct forms required to be filled out by any leaders.
- Some churches may have certain procedures they want their leaders to follow.
3. Let them know who they will be reporting to and how often
- Let them know how often they should check in and with whom if given a task.
4. Provide them with a Structure of Leadership
- Give them a structure of authority for your church starting with the pastor on down to the various women’s leader and team reporting.
- Give them this in writing or in a chart/diagram.
- Helps them know who is in charge of what.
- Helps them stay within their boundaries.
- Helps them be familiar with the whole of the church’s interworking.
5. Let them know of any Required Forms or Reports
- Inform them if they are required to fill out any forms or reports.
- Brief them on deadlines for forms and reports.
- Let them know where to obtain or pick up any forms needed.
6. Give them a schedule of any team meeting dates
- Give them a typed list with meeting particulars.
- Give them the team meeting schedule in calendar form as well.
- Make sure they are aware of the team meeting specifics.
- When
- Where
- How long meetings will last
7. Give them a schedule of all women’s ministry activities
- You may not know the entire year, but give them at least a few months out so they are all aware of what will be happening.
8. Let them know if there is a budget involved
- How much they have at their disposal for projects.
- Whether they need approval before making purchases.
- Whether there are any budget or pre-approval forms to fill out.
- What the detailed procedures are for purchasing any items.
9. Give them specific goal dates for any tasks to be completed
- Share task details.
- Share who will be preforming task.
- Share when task should be completed.
- Share budget if any.
10. Make them aware of conduct requirements during team meetings
- Share the ground rules and/or rules of conduct to go by.
- Share it in written form.
11. Stress the importance of confidentiality
- Give specifics of any confidentiality rules you will be following. Don’t assume they know what to keep quiet and what not to keep quiet.
12. Keep in Touch
- Schedule team meetings regularly.
- Use text or phone calls to touch base with all team members from time to time.
- Take advantage of group texts if needed.
- Use an online type of method to keep in touch such as a private Facebook Group if you want your group of team members to be more interactive.
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