Forming Women's Ministry Team Questions

Get to Know You Questions

for forming Women's Ministry Teams

Julia Bettencourt

March 2015

Sometimes it is helpful to ask questions of those you are considering for your team members and helpers in the women’s ministry. Some of these questions can be asked casually as you interact with the person you want to get to know. Just slip in a question during conversation. Not all of them at one time of course.

Although you could ask some of these questions during a formal interview, getting to know a person doesn’t always have to be an interview process. You can just casually get to know people by asking the right question at any time there is an opportunity.

Get To Know You Questions

  1. What ministries have you been involved with?
  2. How long have you known Christ? Tell me about your salvation experience.
  3. What gifts and skills do you have that you think could benefit our women’s ministry?
  4. Who has been a role model in your Christian life? What do you admire about them?
  5. What types of books do you like to read?
  6. Who is your favorite author?
  7. What is the last book you read? Did you enjoy it?
  8. How long have you been married? (if applicable)
  9. Tell me a little about your family.
  10. What is your favorite Bible verse? Why does it mean so much to you?
  11. Do you have any formal education? College? Bible courses?
  12. Are you computer savvy?
  13. What is your favorite website?
  14. What is the biggest thing at the top of your list that you have never done but would like to do someday?
  15. Where did you grow up?
  16. How long have you been part of this church?
  17. Do you have any hobbies or special interests?
  18. What do you feel is your greatest success?
  19. How do you handle stress?
  20. Are you good at handling conflict?
  21. Why do you want to be involved in women’s ministry?
  22. Have you ever taught a Bible study?
  23. Do you mind speaking or being in front of a group?

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

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