Excuses in Women's Ministry

Excuses in Women's Ministry

Dealing with Excuses Part 1

Julia Bettencourt

March 2015

I have found that there are five areas of excuses in women's ministry or in most anything.

  1. Physical
  2. Conflict
  3. Need
  4. Structure
  5. Emotional
We will be looking at each of those individually, but let's look at some of the excuses that women give for not attending or being part of the women's ministry programs in our churches.

Please note that I am not saying that some of these excuses are not valid. Many are actual reasons and not excuses in the end. After all, a women's ministry in a local church is a program and we can't all be a part of every program of the local church or we might wear out, or it may be that the Lord isn't calling us to be a part of that ministry.

I am just giving you this list so that you can see where your women are coming from when they don't want to be a part of what's going on in women's ministry. I think it is helpful for women's leaders to see the whole picture as to why women aren't showing up at their events, Bible studies, and activities. It helps a leader's understanding of their women and then they can work to meet those women's needs more adequately and pray for those women more adequately.

Excuses you may deal with in women's ministry

  1. Too tired. Work full time.
  2. Too tired. Parent of small kids.
  3. No one to watch children.
  4. They are caregivers to a family member.
  5. Feel it takes time away from spending it with husband or family.
  6. Feel it is boring and not interesting.
  7. Don’t feel it is important.
  8. Superiority complex. Feel it is beneath them.
  9. Feel it is a waste of time.
  10. Feel it doesn’t meet their needs.
  11. Feel it isn’t well run and unorganized.
  12. Don't believe in the mission or vision of the women's ministry
  13. Feel uncomfortable with other ladies that attend.
  14. Feel they are already involved in too many other church activities.
  15. Blame hurt feelings from the past on women’s ministry.
  16. Feel it is too long and takes too much time.
  17. Feel they are always asked too much for funds regarding projects.
  18. Feel they are asked too often to bring in items such as food, project items, etc.
  19. Conflicts with their children’s activities. (band, soccer, etc.)
  20. Conflicts with their other meetings, involvements, and obligations.
  21. Don’t attend anything they can’t be in charge of or have a domineering hand in running.
  22. Feel it is not spiritual enough. Want more of a Bible study or prayer time.
  23. Feel it is too spiritual. Want more of a fellowship time.
  24. Long term health issues prevent them from coming.
  25. Short term health issues prevent them from coming.
  26. Mourning the loss of a loved one prevents them from coming.
  27. Feel it is depressing and not uplifting and encouraging enough.
  28. Feel it has turned into gossip time.
  29. Going through marital or family issues.
  30. Feel the events are too feminine or girly.
  31. Feel the events are not feminine or girly enough.
  32. Feel it is for older ladies.
  33. Feel it is for younger ladies.
  34. Feel like they don’t fit in.
  35. Feel like it is too antiquated for their taste.
  36. Feel like it is too modern for their taste.
  37. Feel like it is a ministry that prevents them from using their gifts and talents.
  38. Feel like it is a one-woman (leader) show with no involvement encouraged.

Okay, are you ready to look at the type of excuses. It will help you be a more understanding leader.

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt

For all parts to this series, go to the Dealing with Excuses Index.

See more along this line in the Setbacks and Growth Index.

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