Areas of Responsibility for Women's Leaders

4 Areas of Responsibility for Women's Leaders

Julia Bettencourt

March 2015  Originally part of the Online Leadership Conference notes.

Through experience I have come to realize that being a women's ministry leader usually has four areas of responsibility. And through all of these areas, we want to see women minister to others through the women's ministry programs in our local churches. The ultimate goal is to teach women to love God, His Word, grow in faith, be holy, and exhibit those fruits of the Spirit in a meaningful way. So, we have to keep the main goal in mind when working and planning in any of these 4 areas.

Titus 2:3, says for us to be "teachers of good things".

1.  Teaching and Training

This is that Titus 2 part of the job. Although, all Christian women are responsible for doing that Titus 2 thing in every area of their life, I feel this directive flows over into doing it as part of a church program when you are a women's leader. I always consider teaching and training one of the main roles of a women’s ministry leader.

This is the category in which the Bible should be at the helm. The responsibilities include things like leading Bible studies, giving devotionals, teaching workshops, developing mentors, discipling new women converts.

2.  Missions and Outreach

This is another important responsibility of a women’s leader. I call this the caring part of the job. It involves motivating your ladies to reach out in areas such as supporting and encouraging missionaries, community projects, community outreach, and visitation of the sick and hospitalized.

This area focuses on sharing a witness and spreading the Gospel in a variety of ways.

3.  Fellowships and Activities

This category is just what it sounds like. It is planning and carrying out all those fellowships, events, and activities associated with women’s ministry. This includes things such as prayer breakfasts, retreats, brunches, and dinners.

And it isn't just about events. You may choose not to hold any or hold them very rarely, and that's okay. You don't need events and activities to encourage fellowship. Motivate your women to talk to each other. Motivate them to keep in touch. Motivate them to pray for each other. Fellowship among believers is loving, sharing, and encouraging each other. This part of the job inspires that among our women.

Sometimes the Teaching & Training and the Missions & Outreach categories may overlap with this area. And that's a good thing because we want all those things to flow together if we can.

4.  Administration

This is the area of management for your women’s ministry. Although you may have some helpers or teams under you in your women’s ministry department to help carry out some of the things involved in administration, the responsibility of this category usually falls on a leader’s shoulders alone.

This area involves those things like procedure, organizing, recording, and clerical duties. Part of this area is working with the pastor and church leadership.

Be sure to do the Under the Umbrella exercise to go with these four areas.

Copyright ©2015 Julia Bettencourt.

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