How to Write Women's Devotionals

Writing Devotionals

I recently had some of my website followers tell me that during this Shelter in Place time that they are making their first attempts at writing devotionals. I think that is so fantastic. If you are just starting with writing devotionals, I’m talking a little about that today, and sharing a download for an article …

Ladies Retreat Themes Women's Ministry Ideas

Event Theme Planning

If there is an older theme of mine that you can’t find and are looking for, just leave a comment on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page, and I’ll try to find it for you. Although I do a lot of things for women’s ministry, many of my website visitors are not here for the …

Mother's Day Free Image Downloads

Mother’s Day Free Images

Hooray for mothers! I have been sharing some images during this Covid 19 isolation to use on ministry pages for social platforms. Today I thought I’d go ahead and share some Mother’s Day ones so you all can wish your mothers a happy day on Sunday. You will be able to download these farther down …

Encouragement Bible Verses for Letters and Cards

Encouraging Bible Verses for Letter Writing

I recently shared some inspirational complimentary letter closings with you to help you with your letter and card writing. Today I thought I’d share my list of Bible verses that I like to draw from when I feel led to write one out on a card or letter. There is nothing more encouraging than the …

Complimentary Closings for Letters Article

Letter Writing Inspirational Closures

I love getting letters in the mail. Don’t you? Usually all we get is bill statements and junk mail, but when I see one of those envelopes with some actual scrawled out handwriting with my name on it, I get excited! Oooooh! There is something special about opening up a letter or card, because receiving …

Sunday Free Graphics and Article

Only on Sundays

This is the way we get dressed up! Years ago I had some surveys on my website that had a lot of questions about this and that on spiritual matters. Some of the questions I had on some of them through the multiple choice ones included the answer “only on Sundays”. You know, we tend …