Encouraging Less Stress Images

Let’s Stress Less Stress

It’s so easy to get stressed over things. Isn’t it? I think, especially as women, that we have a knack of making more work for ourselves, or stressing over things in disproportion to what they really are. Sometimes I just have to stop and just focus a minute to get things into perspective. I was …

Finding Good Inspirational Movies

The Big Inspirational Movie List

I’ve been telling you that I’m bringing you a movie list for some inspirational movies. Well! It’s finally here! Perhaps you will find some gems you have never seen before. Perhaps you will be reminded of an old favorite you have forgotten about. Perhaps you will find something that you and your family and friends …

6 Movie Review Websites

6 Movie Review Websites to Consider

I’m not sure how movies became the theme on the blog lately, but I love the topic of movies, so hey! We are going with it. My big movie list of faith based/inspirational movies is coming soon. Not promising when I’ll post it. I’m doing just a little more research for it first. Today I …

Movie Night Photo Scavenger Hunt

Movie Night Games and Ice Breakers

Okay, I’m still talking Movie Night here on the blog. One thing about movie night is that you have got to make it fun.! Right? Today I’m sharing a couple scavenger hunt games for Movie Night (or day). These will include some movie props to find.

Movie Night Ideas

Movie Night Theme

Okay, are you ready for some Movie Night ideas? I mentioned a few blog posts ago when I gave you some Movie Night Discussion Questions, that a Movie Night theme for women’s ministry is one of the most requested themes that I get for the website. I’m talking for years, many of my followers have …

Movie Night Devotional

Movie Night Devotional

Yesterday I posted 20 Movie Night Questions, and today I’l be posting a devotional to go along with Movie Night. Be sure to stop back in tomorrow, and I’ll have a whole event theme of Movie Night ideas for you. I personally love Movie Nights. And yes! I did just capitalize it because to me …