Okay, we are doing another men’s event theme leading up to Father’s Day. I have a lot of my pastor’s wives and women’s ministry leader friends always asking for more men’s themes for their churches, so here’s another one for you.

This one is all about being Battle Ready for the Lord. And by the way, this one can work for a women’s ministry event theme as well. We are all supposed to put that Christian armor on and prepare for each day!
Battle Ready Men’s Event Theme
Main Focus and Key Verse
- Prepping and preparing for the Christian life by allowing guidance and leading from the Lord.
- 1 Samuel 17:47. And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’S…
Session Topics
The Session Topics below just give a little direction to make a men’s event cohesive. Any details and lessons are then put together by whomever is teaching. These just give a focus to one main idea.
Don’t Miss Out on Boot Camp
- You must get in and train to know God’s Word.
- You must know what’s out there.
- You must know how to deal with life’s situations.
- You can’t get to a higher rank in your Christian living if you don’t start with the simple tasks of reading and studying the Word of God. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Serving Under a Fearless Leader
- God is the ultimate leader that we need to help us face the battle of life.
- He leads by example.
- He leads with courage.
- So many things get thrown in our faces. It’s nice to know Who is in charge. (Psalm 24:8)
Battling for Your Own House
- No one is going to do battle for your own house. (Luke 11:21)
- You must be the one on duty.
- It’s up to you.
- How hard are you willing to fight for your marriage and family?
The Reality of Being Combat Ready
- You can’t go into battle without first knowing that there are dangers out there.
- We have an enemy!
- Satan is out there trying to lead you astray, trying to tempt you, and trying to catch you off guard.
- You must put boundaries in place.
- You must put safeguards in place.
- You must wear your Christian armor (Ephesians 6)
- If you aren’t combat ready, sin can destroy your life.
Where to Turn after a Crushing Defeat
- We are not always going to win the personal battles that we face, but what do we do after losing one of those battles?
- You will get disoriented.
- You will have wounds.
- Don’t let the sound of defeat echo in your mind.
- You must leave it with Jesus.
- You must draw close to the Lord and allow Him to heal you.
- Pray.
- Get up close and lean on Jesus.
Live to Fight Another Day
- We have to pick and choose our battles in life.
- We have to learn the art of allowing things not bother us to the extent that we want to fight over every little thing.
- Choose the important things to stand for such as God’s Word.
- Learn not to allow things like personalities, people’s attitudes, and people’s actions to set us off. When we do, we can easily give in to temptation and show anger and hatefulness which don’t represent the Lord’s Army.
Taking the Captain’s Orders
- Learn to respect and follow the leading of the Captain.
- Allow His decisions and directions to guide your paths.
- You must stay in contact with your “Captain” with prayer and Bible reading in order to take direction.
- Remember it’s not about you but about Christ. (John 3:30)
Check Your Six
- Be aware of what is behind you. (your 6 o’clock position)
- Deal with your past so you don’t drag it into your future.
- Change your habits. Leave those bad ones in the dust.
- Be grateful for the changes God has made in your life.
Rank and File
- Know where you fit in the body of Christ.
- We all have a job to do.
- Become that servant of the Lord.
Acts of Valor
- Learn from the strong men of the Bible.
- David was a military man, but yet he was also a servant of the Lord.
- Daniel was a prayer warrior.
- Many men of the Bible were mighty men of valor, but many served God with an open heart and contrite spirit.
- What are the acts of valor that you doing in this life?
- Are you making a difference?
Storming the City
- Take action for Christ in your family and where you live.
- Be the best man for the battle of the Lord.
- Be strong in prayer.
- Be strong in dedication.
- Be strong in faith.
- Turn the world right where you live upside-down for the Lord. (Acts 17:6)
Men’s Branded Event Theme and Session Topics
Men’s Door Prize and Gift Ideas
Father and Daughter Banquet Theme Ideas
I appreciate you stopping by the blog and I trust you found something useful to help you today. I’m in the middle of a “Focus on Fathers” sereis on my Julia Bettencourt Ramblings Facebook Page this week, so please go over and follow along. One day left!
Have a lovely day,